100 quid on Dawson gets you 275 back (230 profit) 40 on Hopkins gets you 120 back (15 profit) 5 on a draw gets you 140 (break even)
Come to think of it, I have most likely never heard that word used in America. Even before I began my England travels I used to read British books and watch English films. I must have heard it there. Other words/phrases you'll never hear in America: Sussed Rubbish Knackered Daft Lad Leave it out (we say "Let it go" in same scenario) Fuck All Fuckin'hell Fancy (as a verb) Bollocks Back to front At the weekend Words that aren't the same in slang: Thick Mad Smart (referring to clothing) Fit
Haye just died in the ring. I wanted you all to be the first to know. After Adam Booth that is, who is clinging to Davids cooling corpse as we speak.
By getting absolutely wankered :: Hopefully QPR will have survived too, so it will be a reason to have a double celebration :bears:
I'm in kingston now. Watching AFC Wimbledon vs Plymouth Argyle tonight with a mate from work who's an Argyle fan. Only cost £4.50 for a ticket ::
Arsenal's crowd is shit. The game's been petering out for 15 minutes and they've just shrugged their shoulders and sat on their hands.
WOW!!! The first recorded instance where eating-chicken has blocked the BBC live-ticker!!!! I call it "Chicken Electricity", after the "Animal Electricity" discovered by Volta.
Come down on the rattler next time the mackems are at SJP. The Tyne-Wear derby is going the opposite way to most other derby days. It is getting more and more venomous by the season. It's great! MTF
Ha! :: I was on my phone in the shop, connection was shit and I couldn't access any apps. Fightbeat was the only web page I had open, if I'd tried another the game would have finished by the time it loaded ::
I "watched" the game on the BBC......the game ended with a small yellow square beside every mans name. Except for one guy, he got a small red square. "Ameobi is punched in the balls. The linesman signals for a throw-in. The ball is thrown in by Colloccini. The referee signals for a brutal foul by Lee Cattermole on Jonas Gutierrez". :scratcher:
What was I saying though Feebs? They clung on this time, but Milan could throw away a 10-0 lead, it's something in the water ::
I loved this article...sums the whole thing up perfectly really: http://www.true-faith.co.uk/tf/features.nsf/0/D490D3E2716F1AF6802579B800379227?OpenDocument MTF
If they had held a 3-0 lead, I would have fancied them to blow it. I recall them somehow getting smashed by Deportivo a few years back when miles in front. It's not that Milan aren't bottlers. It's that Arsenal are crap. MTF
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