Is it really necessary to explain what I mean when I say he didn't know anything about boxing? Anyone familiar with Bert Sugar should know exactly what I'm referring to, whether they agree with it or not.
Uuuuuh, YES... U're Saying that he Knew Absolutely NATHAN about Boxing...If U're Being FACETIOUS, then SAY So...If U're Being LITERAL, U're 100% WRONG...Either Way, an Explanation Would Help w/the Interpretation of your Message... REED:hammert:
When I say he didn't know anything about boxing, I mean he would come up with stupid shit like picking Mickey Walker over Floyd Mayweather Jr, or Tony Canzoneri over Pernell Whitaker. He thought Joe Louis was the 4th greatest fighter ever. etc., etc. That's what I'm referring to. I didn't literally mean he knew nothing, nor was I being facetious. Saying someone "doesn't know something worth a damn" is a colloquial/idiomatic expression.
yeah, so? I bet Steve Albert has seen more boxing matches than everyone here combined, he still doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
:bears: I love it when someone sums up my thoughts and saves me the effort of typing it. I think you have to be old enough to recall an era without You Tube, Cable, Satellite, Computers, etc to appreciate a guy like Sugar. Without a video highlight rolling in the background, a little hyperbole helps.
I just wonder if he will smell worse in a few days than he likely did in life. EVERYTIME, I saw him, even as a kid, I THOUGHT that dude looks like he smells badly. He was always disheveled , reeking of cigar and old time boxers "LEWINSKY" STAINS on his shirts. I won't miss him. I am also not fond of the whole he was around the game for 50 years so let's grant him authority. He knows boxing like MAX Kellerman does. He just spouted off stories and name dropped. I am not saying he knew nothing of the sport. I just always found him obnoxious sort of like doctors. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS it is hard to be a doctor and easy to watch boxing while turning oxygen into carbon dioxide in your lungs. He was there so fucking what.
so? scott ledoux rated bennie briscoe as a top 5 or 6 middleweight of all time. i guess he should've never worked as a commentator on espn. everyone's entitled to their own opinion. those lists mean fucking squat. you can rate oliver mccall as a top 10 heavyweight for all i care. doesn't mean you didnt watch or followed the sport.
Absolutely The guy made his name beating (sometimes) Welterweights and then managing one out of three off of an old Tony Zale, himself an incredibly overrated fighter Graziano could punch like a bastard with the right hand, but other than that he was completely ordinary
So, you don't think rating McCall top ten in the heavyweight division all-time seems to indicate a SERIOUS LACK of practical knowledge or objectivity??? Really??? Sugar was a phony baloney storyteller