Aside from a major upset like Tyson/Douglas, which losses surprised you? Frankie Randal/Chavez comes to mind Matthew Hilton/Fermin Cherino Alejandro Gonzalez/Kevin Kelly I have more, but what do you guys have?
DLH vs F*ckweather. Very strange DLH lost that considering Fraud F*ckweather did nothing to win it. Even F*ckweather's delusional Pop had shot old man Oscar winning that fight.
1. Mayweather won the fight. I think even Double L scored it for him 2. Anything said by Floyd Mayweather Sr., especially with regard to his son or any fighter he ever trained, should be immediately dismissed as complete and utter bullshit. He and Roger are two of the most miserable pieces of shit ever to exist in the boxing business, and that is really saying something. They talk more shit than the CEO of a sewage treatment company.
Fraud Cuntweather won by SD. Only turds who don't know sh*t about boxing gave that fight to Floyd. Just because you do some tip tap sh*t doesn't mean you deserve to win the fight. Fraud came to win on points. That was it. Typical attitude of a cunt bitch!
Tarver to Hopkins (in hind sight not very surprising but i thought Tarver would decision the smaller guy with limited punch output) Mosley to Hopkins Although i knew stylewise Shane could make it interesting Mosley had looked worn and tired for a while. He barely scraped by Mayorga. I figured Margarito's perpetual motion attack would wear out the old man.
Ricky Burns over Michael Katsidis........I didn't believe Burns had it in him to beat an animal such as Katsidis.
Forrest/Mayorga 1. Couldn't believe it when he got dropped in round 3. As soon as Mayorga hit him and Forrest got up, I just said "he's done." I bet you Vernon is rolling in his grave losing to that scrub.
You are feeding the troll....Hanz has a few dingleberries stuck up in there...last time he was here it was NFL and UFC...after his return it has been Tyson vs. Spinks and Floyd Mayweather...
Kessler vs. the beginning of the Super 6 I thought(so did many others) that Kessler was going to rape the other chumps.
It wasn't obvious at that stage, (at least to me), the extent to which Holy had slipped He had just lost to (been out-slicked by) Byrd, (but blamed his shoulder as I recall), & prior to that out-muscled Rahman. I may have figured that the Ruiz fights were just a stlyes thing & prior to that he gave a good account of himself against Lewis. Plus it was Toney's first fight at HW. Toney said that he was going to stand in front of Holy, & as Holy had out-muscled Rahman & was not really pushed around by Lewis, and it was Toney's first fight at HW, I believed Holy when he said that if Toney did that he was going to sleep. Well Toney was as good as his word. I was SHOCKED that (the iron chinned, tough as nails) Holy got dominated & stopped by a "smaller" guy in his first fight at HW, who stood in front of him. Toney is a truly great fighter. (not just cause he beat Holy)
I can't speak for you of course, but I've never found anything remotely appealing about cocks. I'll leave cocksucking to women and to short fat Indian fucks who can't get laid. :finger:
I still think it's shocking Mosley lost to Hopkins. Even when i rewatch the fight i figure Shane is going to pull it out.