<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fk5cIIPMZm4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
As you know, English grounds were compact so pitches were definitely smaller. The new build pitches are being built bigger.....interesting to speculate how much the smaller pitches spawned the direct style of football
Aye. Interestingly Rangers fans are good with minutes silences unless it's for dead Popes. Established order must be maintained. Authority is to be respected. Unless you're abroad in which case lands must be conquered and subjugated.
I think QPR, Swansea, Stoke and Chelsea have the smallest pitches in the prem. Blackburn's is quite small too.
And something about where the cameras/mics are positioned at Goodison, you can clearly hear the crowd on TV. Whenever there is an Everton home game on TV, I can hear someone or a few people cursing up a storm.
We're a miserable bunch most of the time. Goodison is at its best when there's a sense of injustice or anger. Then it's boss.
Them winning the league at CP is easily top 5 games I've been at. 3 pitch invaders, fights everywhere, people breaking the windows at the hospitality boxes in front of coppers, coins raining on the pitch, guys falling off the top tier ::Was good.
Not pleasurable. Just an experience. Maybe like Calig getting beat up in a bar or something. Amplified the senses, no
Aye, you can all sleep well, it came back to life! It died for 2 hrs but on the third hour it rose again and is seated in the right hand of it's father. Blessed be sony ericcson. Blessed be it's Holy name. Amen.
This phone originally belonged to Moses, i doubt there's any parts in it smaller than the sim card. Dried out and spluttered back to life like a soviet tractor.
:: Nah mate, it's working. Some pretty heavy water marks on the screen but after what we've just been through together those are like stretch marks on the mother of your children.
No Drogs for Chelski vs Arsenal. Me thinks the gunners will put a dent in their bid for 4th spot......3-1.