Who's this guy, Irish? This is pretty good. Drills the guy. <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pCHu1kRT6hU" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
Vincent Brown. Looks and sounds like a slightly less masculine version of Nell McCafferty. Decent fellow by all accounts, just has a broken-recordish value to him.
Ah yes. He had the (excellent) economist Steve Keen on his show this week - must be why that vid came up up on my youtube
Vinnie Brown, he wouldn't sound like a broken record if people answered the dam questions. He drills politicians monday-friday on his tv show. Those press conferences with our paymasters are now a thing of past after that little episode.
Thanks. I was in Caernarfon ( I butchered the pronunciation in the beginning of video.) Caernarfon castle is in the northwest corner of Wales mainland. Anglesey is just across the water. Here is a pic from one of the castle towers. and looking back toward the south (there was a NASTY storm coming in.):
Thanks. I am still in America if you're talking about this coming Sunday. I take off for London on Tuesday.
Nah, can't see it happening + he said he'll take a year out didn't he? Maybe he'll get the Spain job after the Euros?
I didn't realize you were speaking on that video :: I had the sound on my phone muted on the bus to work earlier.
The sacking of Mick McCarthy....? what a fuck up that was... I'm not saying they would have survived the drop but they completely self destructed since his departure
Yep. Steve Morgan fucked up badly, and a vacant managers post is like a vacant WBO Intercontinental belt...its vacant for a reason, the reason being that nobody wants the fucking thing. Morgan left Liverpool in a power struggle in the early part of the 00's and it was felt that the fans had dodged a bullet. Then Penn and Gillett got a look in the door with their confidence tricks :doh:
That is the worst half of football from a Newcastle team I have watched in a very, very long time. We have been unbelievably bad- it's a miracle it's only four. MTF athetic::scratcher:issed:
One of those days here. Second half we have been much, much better, but nothing going right. Cisse should have had a second half hat-trick here. MTF
And not a Kenny in sight :nono: :: Of course, not only is the score a disproportionate indicator of Newcastles seasn overall, or the quality of their team, it doesn't even tell the story of the game itself. Newcastle hit all the lows and Wigan all the highs. One-off, I'd say.