Aye, emotion & belief are essentially what O'Neil trades on. Not the most refined fuel to run on but it can get you there if there's enough of it. It was fair oozing out the ground from the moment he showed up here:Thumbs: Coz baby I was made for you, and you was made for me
Speak of the devil, they've voted Rooneys overhead kick against City last season as the best goal in Premier League history. Ridiculous. :doh:
You made a nice analogy recently about Liverpool being high spec machinery slightly out of alignment - that definitely applies to arsenal earlier in the season. One or two more tweeks and they're champs
Better goals than Rooneys off the top of my head - Cisse's last night Henry v Man Utd and Liverpool Cantona v Sunderland Shearer v Chelsea and Leicester Ronaldo v Portsmouth They mentioned Bergkamp v Newcastle as 2nd best but I'm sure that was an FA Cup game :dunno: Rooney himself scored a better goal v Newcastle
The thing is Arsenal have always been a couple of players away from being champs. Get a Yaya Toure and a solid centre back and they're sorted. Wenger is ridiculously stubborn for some reason.
Yeah, this is true. I kinda admire it in a way. Like the Frenchman in the Dylan Moran sketch eating chocolate for breakfast and slashing yesterdays paintings. Strolling around decadently in only a linen shirt with no underpants.
Might well be mine too, between that and Sinclair vs Barnsley for me. Still, I'm pretty sure both goals were FA Cup? Well I know Sinclairs was.
No way that Rooney goal is top. Was this poll completed by "United fans" who have only followed them this season... :wack:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/k3n4CTLDn_w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> :bears: Never gets old. Thats what sets that goal apart from me - it doesn't have the HOLY SHIT Yeboah/over head kick factor, but it's one that gets better each of the first 10 times you see it then just never gets old.
If Bergkamps goal was in the league then yes, absolutely that's the best. Rooneys doesn't come close. Great shout on Yeboah though Jimmy, he scored two all timers within the space of a week. Says something about the quality of a goal that whenever somebody rattles one in off the crossbar from long range afterwards it's referred to as "scoring a Yeboah" :bears:
the one against wimbledon. Yep, another splendid goal :bears: One of my personal favs is fowler's goal against villa, where he leaves staunton for dead after some fine individual skill. Some great one touch passing up to that too.... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uvjdJ9qPoLs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The goal against Newcastle stands out though Jeez. Sorry Feebs, that's three all time Premier League goals we've mentioned that have been scored against your boys ::
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/m2ywVLaJtNw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> this is just a beautiful goal.
Arsenal are clearly far closer to the finished article bar an ability to hold a thin line when they need it most. Liverpool are like the Red Army, they have the ability to lose millions of men in an abandoned swamp in Finland, but do great things against the tallest of odds and in the harshest of circumstances. They should probably sit down together and do group therapy, see if they can help each other out.