4-5 years ago....it would have been easy... But up to this time Cotto hasn't been completely dominated by the elite fighters he has fought like Trinidad. Trinidad management should be shot, after the comeback they could have build him back up....but no they went straight to WINKY, the one guy with zero fan base nd the guy nobody wanted to fight OTHER than MOSLEY... Trinidad vs. MOSLEY around that time would have been excellent, Jermaine Taylor?...was around....another winnable fight...
Cotto's Faced & BEATEN a Wider Range of Fighters & Styles in his Career...Cotto's More Technically Sound & DIVERSE in his Approach, as Well...Tito's a Better PUNCHER than Cotto, but that's about the ONLY Aspect he has on Cotto... But the Bottom line is, Tito is More OUTGOING & will Always Be More BELOVED than Cotto...REED Has a Feeling Cotto ISN'T Bothered by that Either... REED:mj:
I love both fighters. However what do yall think would happen in a fight between the two at 47 or 54. Personally Tito puts Cottos ass to sleep. As far as who will known as the greatest thats tough. But it seems that Tito has more support from the Boricuas. I'll Holla 5000
REED is Inclined to Say Yes, but he'll Stop just SHORT of that for Now...Cotto's Still Got a Couple More Fights in Front of him... REED:Lok:
Revisionist history... Trinidad fought Winky because Winky beat Shane twice. Trinidad and Don King were at Mosley-Wright I fully expecting to announce Trinidad-Mosley but a funny thing happened...Shane lost. The rematch was more competitive, but Wink won...that's how Trinidad wound up against Wright. At the time Wink was a top 5 or 10 rated P4P guy.
Yes, Cotto is clearly still fresh, and has a lot of good fights left in him. The delusion continues. I can't see how this would hurt a man, at all. You can't cry blood and ever be the same again. Vultures like Floyd know this.
Maybe... Cotto's Earmuffs would Help to Offset Tito's Powerful Hooks a Bit...& as we've Seen in Both Margarita Fights, Cotto CAN Stick & Move if/when he Needs to...Cotto has a HUGE Advantage in FOOTWORK, which Might Be Enough to Outpoint Tito... REED:Lok:
I am a big Tito fan.. His boxing actually started to be really good.. I loved how he was patient and setup shots... But as he started Stretching people he lost his skill. He becaeme a plodder... I'll say this... Tito would knock cotto out COLD
If you buy the whole "loaded gloves" thing or not... Tito is one of the few fighters at any weight that hit guys and it looks like they were hit with baseball bats! I loved watching Tito fight
Tito?? I think Tito has really become underrated I think it's interesting how guys lose and lose one big and all the sudden they are "exposed" Tito had a great career...big big BIG credit to Hopkins for a masterful fight...but he by no means "exposed" Tito
Nah...@ No Point was Tito Discovered w/LOADED Handwraps...The Issue in his Case was THE WAY he Taped his Hands...HUGE Difference in Actually PLACING SOMETHING INSIDE Your Handswraps & Wrapping your Hands Toooo HIGH on the Fist... REED:fightme: