FUCK the PURSE split....50/50....55/45....60/40...whatever...If I was pick I would be piss not because of the 40 million being offer...but because I don't get a cut of the PPV...FUCK THAT...
The idea that the biggest fight in boxing and perhaps the biggest purse in history is held up because of the purse split is pathetic. If 50% of THAT potential purse isn't enough to put it on the line, then you really just don't want the fight in my opinion.
You think Fraud Cuntweather will be any more motivated for the fight now after having been in the fight of his life against a shot deteriorated Cotto? :laugh11:
some of you keep throwing the 50/50 or 55/45 split but Floyd's offer is 40 million and NO PPV SPLIT! that's the fucked up part that according to Floyd, Manny deserves nothing aside from the guarateed purse. :: so even if Manny was to accept 60/40 it wouldn't make a difference. by the way I think Canelo and Cotto did help the card alot. It wasn't just Floyd selling this shit. Let's be honest about Floyd what else is he gonna sell in his 24/7 episodes? people are tired of that shit. Most will but the ppv for the match up.
Does Manny Pacquiao really need Bob Arum? Pacman's name sells by itself. What use is Bob Arum exactly other than to take half of Pacman's purse? Why doesn't Pacquiao just promote himself and take all the money? Is he stuck with Arum forever?
Yep. (unless you want to avoid the fight). Even though Manny offered 55/45 with the winner taking 55. (and agreed to testing) Also, PBF doesn't want to split the PPV. Then PBF says he wants the fight & "Pacman's next", then gets confused over which excuse he's using to avoid the fight. When Merchant asks him about his financial demands, Floyd starts talking about the (already agreed to) testing. (Back to the simultaneous avoid & discredit tactics). It's really very clear what's going on. PBF is an amazing talent, and has fought courageously in the ring, but he's an insecure, immature, petulant little bitch, who's surrounded by yes-men, outside of the ring. PBF will go down as an ATG, but history will also reflect his fear of (and dispicable attempts to discredit), Manny.
this 60 40 nonsense you keep talking about makes no sense at all. you realise that would mean Floyd would have to have 50% better ppv numbers? you realise manny sold almost as much vs marquez in 2011 as floyd did against cotto? like 3% less against a less popular opponent. yes that's 3% less, a pretty big difference to the 50% more you seem to think is fair :: so if their ppv numbers are the same, why exactly should floyd get 50% more?
Pathetically, Im now as intrigued to see what PPv numbers Pac-Bradley does as I am about the fight ::
i wouldnt get your hopes up huttus, bradley is american so he has that in his favour but imo he isnt that much more popular and famous than the likes of clottey. i think it does worse than his 2011 numbers for sure, bradley doesnt really have any fans. even ortiz is more well known to casual fans, dont you think? btw i am intrigued about this fight, on paper its far more compelling than floyd cotto. also excuse sloppy posts, ipadz you see.
all you are doing is fighting for more money in arums pocket. if pacquaio could somehow ditch him and take the 40 million he'd end up doing better financially. arum gets 30 % off the top of what he makes. a guy you seem to agree is taking PEDs, to boot.
I expect better from you Neil. Everything you wrote is irrelevant to my point, my point is really just about what is fair. Thinking Floyd deserves 50% MORE than Manny literally makes no sense at all. If Manny vs Marquez did 1 million vs Floyd's 1.5 against Cotto, then it would be a fair point, as it stand it makes no sense at all, it's not based on any real numbers, it's just a random number he's invented for some reason. The fact is in their most recent fights Manny vs Marquez 3 did about 3% less than Floyd vs Cotto.
When floyd was last asked about the split, it was clear he knew that anything except 50/50 is indefensible. Rather than discuss it when asked, he brought up drug testing.
People Keep Referencing Canelo, as if he's EVER Proven HIMSELF as a PPV Entity...To Date, Canelo has ALWAYS Lined PPV Undercards...Let REED Know when he HEADLINES a PPV Bonanza...Was Floyd vs. Shane a PPV Success BECAUSE of Canelo???...Of Course it WASN'T... w/Out Getting Into Who Deserves MORE, can we Please STOP Diminishing Floyd's PPV Worth???... REED:shit:
REED Would even Go Soooo Faaaar as to Say 51-49 or 52-48 is Fair, but the Bottom Line is, Floyd HAS to Get the Lion's Share... REEDopcorn:
REED I could have sworn you recently said it has to be 50-50. Would you not agree that Cotto is at least 3.3% more popular than Marquez? Because that's the margin by which this beat Manny Vs Marquez 3. Plus regardless of how much of a PPV Canelo is, he IS a popular young Mexican fighter, I wouldn't be remotely surprised if Ginger brought in more than 3.3% of the sales, fighting on Cinco de Mayo.
Cotto is much much more well known than Bradley. I didn't even know who Bradly was until around 4 months ago.
Tim Bradley's fights don't get aired in Canada. How exactly do you expect me legally to watch Tim Bradly if his fights don't get broadcasted here?
They steal through satelite or subscribe to illegal streaming. And most of them pretend to have seen Tim Bradley just as a way to join in on conversations. I'll check out YouTube but you'd think, for somebody like Tim Bradley, he really needs to promote himself a bit more or find somebody to get his name out there. Most people don't even know who he is.:dunno: Basically Pacquiao has one hell of a job trying to sell this PPV to the casual fans as they'll probably consider Bradley as just another random soft-touch and will probably not even bother buying the ppv. At least Cotto is a huge and respected name in boxing and has fought on ppv many times before therefore Floyd didn't have to sell the fight by himself. it won't be the case here with Pac/Bradley.