I agree, but hey, it's something to talk about :: If the bout does ever happen, people are going to be very disappointed, it's going to be a real anticlimax like Oscar vs Tito or Oscar vs Floyd.
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Floyd probably is making 70 Mill if not more off the last PPV. I say 50/50 on the guarantee then 50/40 on the PPV for Floyd. It's a retirement fight when it happens anyway. As meaningless as Hops vs Roy if it wait 2 more years.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>[/FONT]
Fraud will have no money left within 7 years. His spending habits are obscene! Check it out: Despite all the wealth Floyd Mayweather has potentially created through his boxing successes, there are rumors Floyd is not as financially stable as you may think. After his fight with Ricky Hatton, which should have been the peak of his professional and financial career, the IRS announced that Floyd owed $6.1 million in back taxes. Soon after he was sued by a Florida real estate developer who claimed Mayweather backed out of the purchase of an $8.5 million house, he allegedly owed the first installment of $1.7 million. Just a few months later $7.1 million worth of Jewelry was stolen from his home. As recently as September 2009 Floyd was sued by JP Morgan for failing to make payment on a $528,000 Mercedes Maybach 57S. Mayweather borrowed $415,000 at an annual interest rate of 16% in order to pay for the car, he reportedly has not made the $9000 monthly payment in over a year. Fraud gonna be broke VERY soon! :laugh11:
Lol at people claiming Canelo vs Mosley didn't help the ppv numbers. Canelo has a lot of hype behind him and it's not like if he was fighting a scrub. Mosley is a big (if faded) name himself, of course it boosed the numbers
yes, and Mosley is one of the few names that is still know by the average sports fans. Canelo too for the mexican-american one asfaik
Why are we comparing floyd/cotto to pac/jmm. How come the comparisons arent made between floyd/cotto and manny/cotto? I'll Holla 5000
Manny/Cotto happened 3 years ago and both men are doing much better numbers now. If we made the comparison between each man's numbers vs Marquez there's a bigger difference in Manny's favour.
Clearly, yes. Annoyingly, Bradley isn't as marketable as Cotto/Alvarez & Mosley so Manny probably won't do 1.5, which'll give Floyd more fodder to say he's a bigger draw. He isn't.
Yeah, it's all pretty annoying. Floyd fights always generate more buzz in my neck of the woods, but 50/50 is the only way to go.
yeah. especially since it would be such a global fight. It'd probably make half as much again in Britain alone, and it'd surely generate another >8 figures in Asia.
50/50 is the only reasonable split. I don't think Floyd is scared, but he's going to have to come back down to earth and realize that he's gotta give up 50 to Pac (cue another tired joke about 50 Cent from Boss)
The only thing he's afraid of is splitting the money. Undefeated pro fighters with skills and experience like Floyd aren't scared of other fighters.
Floyd is the type of guy who would rather take 40 and have people think he was getting 60, than take 50/50 - or for that matter, take 60 and have people think he was getting 40.
I think he's scared of sharing the limelight more than the money. He can't handle the thought of that. Daddy never hugged that boy.
BTW I agree with Hut, it's a shame the Bradley fight will give Floyd a false bargaining chip. Bradley literally has no fanbase. What do you reckon Hut, for Bradley numbers? I think worse than both his 2011 fights.
It's sad that the Bradley fight probably won't do as well as Floyd vs Cotto, it's a much better fight. It will do just over a million I would guess.
Yeah, somewhere above a mill and below the Mosley numbers would be my guesstimate. 1.1, 1.2 maybe. If it does any better i'd be convinced manny is the bigger draw now.
Yep, I'm not expecting much more than a mil if that, and that's purely because of Bradley. And yes, at least on paper it's a much more intriguing fight than Floyd Vs Cotto. Edit - Hut, indeed, 1.1 or so is what I anticipate.
Not sure what a fud is exactly, but it sounds negative, so Shaefer is probably it. He's certainly not a very likeable chap.