Pretty much. A fluke firing and a fluke hiring, along with a brace of penalty misses and what have you. Liverpools win in 2005 wasn't met with that sort of enthusiasm, in fact the opening line of ITV's immediate post-penalty commentary was that the "European Cup Was Returning To England"
The english media always cream over Liverpool in a unique way, mate. The magic of liverpool, the magic of the Kop on and on
Now all we need is for "victorious" John Terry to stand tall and be found not guilty. He's the smallest bluest plastic bell-end since Papa Smurf sprung a hard one.
:: Lord Nelson, DiMatteo, Maggie Thatcher, The Pound, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Isaac Newton, John Terry, Christine Keeler, Thomas Payne.
at Spurs, No CL for Redknapp, bye bye Modric & Bale, Harry won't last the year Too bad for Bayern, even though I can't feel sorry for unpleasant mercenary fucks like Robben and Riberry any more than twats like Terry, Cole, & Lampard. Drogba is infuriating but I can't help but like him, you get the feeling he loves the sport What was that bullshit with Torres sulking at the end? presumably Di Matteo didnt want him in his list of 5. Torres would be better off leaving the Premier league, start afresh.
Wasn't too difficult to beat the bastards a few weeks ago. Unbelievable really; this is the worst Chelshit team of the last ten years. Can't work out how they won. The only plus point is that eight-chin Harry will be crying his fat fucking face off whilst someone reads him 'The Emperor's New Clothes'. MTF :scratcher:
Disgrace. It would have been a little easier to stomach if they'd actually tried to win it, but they were playing for penalties from the start
Montpellier win Ligue 1. Montpellier spent 2 million euros on transfers this season, in comparison PSG spent €106 million. Money can't buy you everything it seems.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> This is just awful :shit:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> this is FAR better :bears: