Agreed on all counts. For much of Kessler 1, Frock looked more flat than usual, less motivated. Not a great performance, and conversely Kessler looked far more spirited than usual. Pianodude - I didn't score the fight, but to me it looked like a very close fight that Kessler looked like he deservedly eeked out.
Styles. Kessler is a quietly improved fighter, rust aside. He was fucking Froch up with the big straight right to the body and its worth pointing out-finished very strong, stronger than Ward did- in his fight with Froch. He had Froch badly cut and all. Ward outscored Froch clearly, but Kessler really stuck it to him, like nobody else ever really did. I think Kessler is a real sleeper in this. He split with his old trainer immediately after the Ward fight, and he's looked very good since. He was at ringside tonight, said he wanted Froch to win, and I believe him. I believe he will come to the UK too.
To reiterate: MTF
Chad Dawson is a better fighter than Froch or Bute. If Chad decided to stay at 168 thats another loss on Frochs ledger. Its not that i.dont like froch. I do. You simply cant knock his resume over the past three to four years. Whether you want to admit it or not...Ward is the best in the division. Btw....didnt Ward beat Kessler before Kessler beat Froch? If so...that means Carl lost to Warda leftovers before get served by Andre.
I think Frock is a significantly better fighter than Kessler, despite Kessler looking the obviously more skilled and technical of the 2, but yeah, Kessler's style does seem to match up well with Frock.
In an 20 round fight, I'd pick Froch 99 times out of 100. 12 round suits Ward just fine. You saw how he was blowing out of his arse by the 10th, out comes the gumshield etc. Eitherways, I think Frochs days of traveling are over. He's done all the traveling. Its up to Kessler and Ward to make the trip. Apparently, Ward winning a 12 round decision over Froch means he never has to leave America, ever, ever , ever never ever never ever. :shit:
Lol.Dawson is a bigger fighter. He isn't better than Froch. He may win due to his negative shit style like Ward did.
Doorson is a negative creep. Hideous fighter to watch. Much worse than Ward actually, at least Ward does more, even if half of it is grappling and headbutting.
No one is arguing that Ward isn't the best at 168. Take the stick out of your arse for fuck's sake. MTF
Yeah not really sure what Musze's angle is here, it's very obvious now that Ward is the best super middle.
Well that all good as long as Froch can live with being the 2nd or 3rd best Super Middleweight in the world. Because until he beat Ward or someone else does, that all he is going to be #2...
And Froch lost to Kessler before Froch lost to Ward, which means Ward got the softened up version of Froch. We can spin this coin all night. Bottom line is I knew the Yankee humps would come out of the woodwork with the demands and the claims and the one-up-manship. Froch just beat the living shit out the one remaining unknown in the 168 landscape. He's got three big wins over guys Ward has never even faced. Bute, Dirrell and Pascal. He's got a win over a guy that DAWSON has lost to. Froch has earned the right to face Ward with the drug tests in England. Period. By all means say that Ward is the true champion, pound for pounded-ness, recency, etc. Just give Froch a fair fight in England. Thats not so hard.
that will also work for Froch..... Apparently Ward is fighting Dawson...I don't know if it's at 168 or 175....
And Dawson has LOST to Pascal and failed to improve on the Glen Johnson result. Styles, not heart or talent per se, is what carries the day, so often.
I always knew Froch would get his just do. He is better than all the other 168 pounders except for Ward.
This is it. These people come to your birthday party and the first fucking words out of their mouths when they walk in the door is "OH!! I HAVE A FUCKING BIRTHDAY TOO!! AND ITS BETTER THAN YOURS". Well done. Ward decisioned Froch and finished the fight the weaker man. Well done. He is the best man ever. Now give Froch a rematch. If "Recency" is the test, well fuck me, recently, like an hour ago, Froch scalped Bute. Froch also has wins over Johnson, Bute, Dirrell and Pascal. He's earned a rematch on, at least, neutral ground, if not in England.
In any case, there is a rematch clause in the contract. Seems Froch will be fighting Bute sooner rather than later.
My angle is responding to irish silly notion that somehow froch deserves a rematch with ward in england. That is absurd. Plus...I'm accurately pointing out that Dawson iz a better fighter and walks into that fight as a far more proven fighter than bute was going in to the froch fight. Simply reminders for irish.
1. Froch deserves a rematch. 2. Froch has had 1 fight at home in 8. 3. Barring his loss to Ward, he has a superior resume to Ward. 4. Ward may wish to augment his own legacy by fighting outside of the USA. Where is the problem? And Ward hasn't beaten Dawson yet mate.
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Musze - Fair enough. Difficult to say if Frock deserves a rematch or not, I mean, I think he's the #2 supermiddle, so he's more deserving than anyone else, that's for sure. And why not in England, maybe Ward can stop being a hometown hero and fight in Yurp for once. Plus Frock is better than Doorson. Doorson is basically a useless, negative faggot.
Musze shows his true colours <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
Completely said the same prior to carls fight with ward. Im simply providing perspective. Ward is a better fighter and prior to the discovery that bute was shit a fight with dawson was a tougher road than a bute fight. Butes people did a great job of steering him away from the super six while robbing showtime in the process.