i thought it was a toss up considering the location, but i was shocked that froch won in that fashion.
Well I couldn't be further from the truth in my prediction. Congrats to Froch, he made easy work of Bute
What EXACTLY was UNfair about the 1st Ward-Froch Fight???...Please Leave your Bullshit CONSPIRACIES Out of this.... REED:hammert:
Yep. Bute was still allowed to hold against Froch in England...but Froch just beat the shit out of him because he's better. Ward is better than Froch.
Only btwn YOUR Ears, Homegirl...BEATING a Guy Head to Head Will ALWAYS Weigh More & RIGHTFULLY So.... REED:cheer:
Damn. I underestimated how shitty Bute's chin was. All credit to Froch. The guy is a helluva fighter, and always proves me wrong. I picked Kessler to fuck him up. He gave Kess a tough fight. Picked AA to KO him. He schooled that midget. Now I picked Bute to outbox him. He smashes Bute. All credit to Froch. He's a bad man. This proves that the winner of Ward-Dawson is without question the best at 168-175.
Absolutely. Irish is just doing his usual biased spin-doctor thing. Nothing I saw in this fight makes me think Froch has more of a chance against Ward if there is a rematch. The fight told us more about Bute than it did about Froch. Froch is proven against good opposition and Bute was a bit of a question mark coming into this fight,
Yeah Irish is def talking out his ass. Ward outboxed Froch clean as day. I have no clue how location would change the result. Froch can't beat Ward because Froch is a guy who thrives off making a fight ugly, but Ward is actually BETTER than him in that department. And they could 100 times and Froch will NEVER match Ward for speed/skills. Froch's only chance is that Ward gets careless, and he's able to catch him with something big. Other than that, Ward wins EVERYTIME. If I were Froch, I'd root for Dawson to beat Ward. Froch has a better chance of beating Dawson than he does Ward.
I think Ward has cheated in all his fights, except that one. You could have the fight at Froch's house, Ward would win. Ward,for once, fought in a legal fashion and won clearly. I don't even want to see a rematch. There is nothing Froch can do to beat Ward. I hate Ward too. It is just the truth.
Very glad Froch won. Would have been a shame for him to lose to a protected homer when he's the antithesis of this. While I never rated Bute to highly because he didn't beat anyone ( Johnson was old, the MD decision vs Froch was a travesty as Froch cleary won the fight ), I didn't expected him to be such a fraud. Very fragile and he didn't looked to brave either ( nor quick btw). Biggest hype job in boxing in a long time.
actually Froch should have been disq because Bute was given a standing 8 count and someone from his corner entered that is an auto DQ..ala barera vs Jr Jones.
coulda ,shoulda ,woulda. I'm dealing with facts, not speculation, and froch has a way better career that this welsh coward. Btw, Froch would beat Calzaghe in a close one. Much like Robbed Reid did
Not right now, but yes, Calzaghe would've beaten Froch any day. He had the same hard chin as Froch plus better handspeed/footwork.
Froch is amazing. Like X said previously, he makes a mockery of my predictions every time he fights (with the exception of the AA and Ward fights). Fantastic fighter. I don't want to see a Ward rematch though, he'll never win that fight.
You just knew the Ward nuthuggers would come out of the furniture once Froch nearly took Butes head off.
Regarding speed, it's the Naseem Hamed syndrome. Fighting old slow bums, coupled with an admittedly unorthodox and unpredictable style (so that many fighters don't see the shots coming), leads to VERY overrated speed. In both occasions when they fight an elite guy, their speed looks average.
Why the ref gave Bute a count is beyond me....Bute was fucked. Giving Bute some credit though, he has a solid chin...he too so many big head shots throughout.
wtf :: His chin is awful, he got hurt every single time Frock landed clean. Just because he didn't KTFO or floored doesn't mean his chin isn't horrible.
Please. Froch isn't exactly a home run hitter and Bute made him look like one. Bute was rocked pretty much every time Froch landed cleanly.
agREED...Froch is 1 of those RARE Fighters that Talks it AND WALKS It...Top 10 Lb for Lb w/Out Question...NOBODY Expected him to Completely DOMINATE Bute & Stop him Relatively EARLY... REED:kidcool:
Of for Christ sake, your Hamed hating goes to a diff level on this one. I hated Hamed, but he was in a different UNIVERSE from Bute.