1st of All, Ward DOESN'T Have "Nuthuggers"...2nd, what You're Perceiving as PRO Ward Sentiments are Merely LOGICAL Responses to YOUR Daily Serving of Eurocentric, PARANOID Bullshit... REED:hammert:
Calzaghe wasn't a better fighter. much like Bute, he feasted on bums his whole career, wich makes him look better than he was, and struggled mightily against a lot of the average fighters he fought (Reid, Starie, Salem). He has one very good victory against Kessler at 168, and a decent one at 175 against a decrepit Hopkins. Yesterday fight should be a lesson for those who overrate cowarldy fighters based on theyr ability to open cans.
Bute chin not that Bad, it's just the he react extremely badly to getting hit, cause he 's a porcelain doll who deosn't have a fighter mentality. Much like Wlad
Whoa! Froch should have been disqualified as the promoter jumped into the ring during the referee's count. That result may be changed to a no decision if the Bute camp protests. That is a no no!
Utter bollocks. Tito got floored all the time, yet to be honest his chin was actually pretty solid, as he was rarely hurt. Getting floored doesn't mean your chin is shit, getting stopped and hurt with ease does. Look at Frank Bruno, he wouldn't get floored, but he would get HURT by every meaty punch he received, which means his chin is bad. Boot's chin is awful, he was hurt every time Frock landed clean, and was stopped with ease.
Technically that's true, of course. However the blame lies with the referee who initially made the handwaving gesture as if he was calling it off, before proceeding to administer a pointless count. To be fair, Bute's camp were good sports afterwards and knew their man had been well beaten, I don't think they'd want to get an unwarranted result via a technicality.
How has he had a greater career? Who has he beaten? Taylor as well know was an overrated crap stank He lost to Kessler who Calzaghe schooled. Lost to Ward Beat Abraham :l1: Beat Johnson? SO Pascal? Where is the greatness? Cazalghe would starch all those bums and feast on Froch like an appetizer
Calzaghe never would have fought most of those guys because he would have been Bute during the Super 6. You're right though. Kessler and probably Hopkins are better than any single win Froch has.
Its not just that. There's also the Lacy fight, and wins over albeit a tired but not yet finished Eubank, against whom Joe would have ALWAYS been competitive. Its the same issue of styles. Froch can't adjust. We revere him because he's a stud who will fight them all, anytime, any place, but he's more wooden than a sequoia. Calzaghe can shape-shift. That;s his ace. In any regard, they are both cunts.
what do you mean been bute durring the super 6? Do you mean beat? And if so by who? the only person i could see beating him was ward. And if that isnt a guarantee.
I think so too. And i guess it sounds like im a Froch hater. That is certainly not the case. I really like Froch. I just dont think he is a good as Calzaghe. I wish nothing but the best for him. He is wonderful.
Froch's last 8 opponents. Bute, Ward, Johnson, Abraham, Kessler, Dirrell, Taylor and Pascal. That is crazy competition.
Froch is brilliant but he has this one fatal, lethal flaw, he's like Superman, but some guys have the Kryptonite. Real speed, and the ability to get off first, find the gaps in Frochs threshing motions. Jones would have lit him up with single rights before getting tired or going to the ropes where he was vulnerable. Calzaghe was a faster guy, just as hard, with the ability to change record mid-fight.
Bute was never a hard fight. Taylor at 168 wasnt shit. Pascal just got beat by old man hopkins Abraham ? come on Johnson? Come on Lost to Kessler and Ward Something is really wrong when this is considered crazy comp. Ward and Kessler i agree. very good fighters.
by the present standards of this sport, which has never had so few good fighters, it IS crazy competition
:Hanzkiller: Go back to the end of the fight...it was YOU who brought up WARD...it was YOU who started with conspiracy theories....it was you who started with the nonsense of WARD NOW has to fight FROCH in England....
Ok, how about Luis Rodriguez? Gene Fullmer? Ray Leonard? Saad Muhammad? I could go on By the present standards, yes, Froch has had a tremendous, fearless run of competition. He deserves full marks for it. But this era sucks balls, no matter what you or the other well-wishers want to delude yourselves into thinking. Half of Froch's list is made up of guys who are fucking journeymen in a better era. People want to call Froch the best English fighter of the modern era? Please. John Conteh would have lit him up like a Christmas tree. Conteh would have pounded Calzaghe's slapping ass as well.
Conteh would have beaten Froch, and may have beaten Calzaghe, but there is a gross disparity between both fights. The difference is this: Froch would fight anyone, Calzaghe could fight anyone.
yeah if you say so Bert I'm not saying this era is great, and I even think it's probably below average, but that's the kind of ridiculous comment you started making a few years ago and wich turned you into a joke of a poster. Btw wich 8 straight fight streak that Leonard had that was better than the one Froch just had? Read the question carefully, i'm not talking about the overall quality of opposition
Throw Calzaghe in with anyone and he more than looks after himself. That can't be said of Froch. Froch would fight anyone. Joe could fight anyone.