I don't understand why so many people calling him a loser and a bad human being. Whitney Houston died doing drugs and all you guys were praising her ass and whatnot.
Yeah, those are my thoughts as well. Arturo Gatti & Chico Corrales were alcoholic wifebeaters as well, both were lionized in death by most.
I liked Tapia as a fighter. As a person well I really try not to judge people's lifes like I dont' like people judging mine. the guy's childhood fucked him up big time. Of course as an adult he had chances to make things better for himself. I think he honestly tried but the addiction just beat him until he couldn't go anymore. i always thought that once he retired it would be harder for him to stay straight because at least when he trained it kept him in line somewhat. but there is definitely a double standard with some fans. Some Idolize Tyson because of how fun his fights were. Overlooking the obvious bullshit he did time and time again. I swear that guy got so many chances it was embarrassing. Even if you disliked Tapia I can't understand being happy that he died.
Doesn't work that way in athletics I never saw a harder working hockey player than Basil McRae... he scored about 5 goals a year... Wayne Gretzky scored 92 once, 87 another, 50, 60 and 70 numerous other times.... some of that was because Gretzky was a hard worker, most of it was because he was a genius No amount of work can take the place of talent in sports or art. Pierre Larouche never put in an honest day's work in his life, he was lazier than a fat Collie, but he had talent coming out of his ears, could score goals as easily as you and I take shits. If He had Basil McRae's work ethic, he'd have scored 80 every year and smashed the record books. Instead he scored 50 a couple of times, loafed around, demanded star treatment.
I don't think he was a Bin Laden-esque figure. I also didn't say the guy didn't try. I don't know why you're quoting me when making those comments. Don't lump me in with the people saying outrageous things about him.:dunno: Nobody is claiming he did nothing with his life. He became a champion boxer, which I already said.
He outboxed him all right buddy, but running is running and he outran and outjumped Bugs Bunny that night after saying for months the fight could be held in a phone booth.