Pacquiao looks soft...and Bradley looks out of character. The nice humble guy is now turning into a somewhat annoying arrogant twit.
Jesus, Pacquiao came in at 147. Well, obviously the 24/7 episodes were no joke, Pacquiao really is his career softest. I think the guys picking Pacquiao by blowout are going to be very surprised. On fightnews I'm actually surprised that 40% are picking Bradley, I would have thought far more than 60% would pick Manny on popularity alone.
Fighting the bigger guys he came in light to be faster, I am guessing he thinks he won't need to be as mobile with Bradley.
I honestly have no idea, he doesn't really look soft, just not as defined as usual which might be because he's a few punds heavier than he normally is. Either way, he's still whooping Bradley.
He looks soft, especially by his standards. Not only is there way less definition on his torso, but his arms look softer than normal, and he has slight lovehandles.
They really don't do a good job at all promoting boxing matches in Canada. Nobody even knows who the f*ck this Bradley guy is over here. Boxing is such an afterthought nowadays.:Wah:
It's certainly possible I guess. Could be feeling guilty about juicing, cheating etc, and decide to go completely clean.
Yeah. Soft y his standards. No one at fightbeat looks as "soft" as either one of them.He looks Pasty though like a canuck or brit
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