Yeah like, welcome to ages ago. Of course, he's not blick so his little run in with the cops in that soft place was probably staged.
Sorry, if he was blick and this was the 70's we could organize a Howard Cosell over-dub with some of that technicolor grainy footage, and that would bump him up a few steps on the ATG ladder, but this Ukrainian Independence thing is a joke and besides, I've seen those Communist Era cops, they ain't no Suddern rednex. What a bore.
:: Look at the softies on the right in the Urban Camo and vests. What a fake Vitali is. Those policemen aren't scaring anyone. You want to see real police brutality. London, August 2011. They don't take any fucking prisoners. I mean literally, they don't. Softies from Donetsk. Don't annoy me. And here is the offical yankee response just in :: "A day after July 4, we are reminded how different things are away from America. WBC Heavyweight Champion boxer Vitali Klitschko was sprayed with teargas and “suffered a gash to his right arm” during riots in Ukraine. “The WBC Heavyweight Champion was among rioters angry at the Ukranian government’s decision to make Russian, rather than Ukrainian, the main language in schools and local government in some parts of the former Soviet republic. For the record, Klitschko is 40 years old, but is still an active boxer and the defending WBC Heavyweight Champion. He last boxed in February. The 6’7″ Ukranian ran in the 2006 Kiev mayoral election, but came in second with 26% of the vote. He founded his own political party, Udar, in 2010, and is running for mayor again in this year’s election. His campaign focuses on limiting corruption, increasing governmental transparency and lowering taxes. This. Is. Crazy. The American equivalent would probably be Derek Jeter running for NY Mayor, and then getting injured in a postgame riot in Times Square. After Spanish had just been made our official language Seriously. You are crazy, Ukraine" :scratcher:
Fucking typical. The Guardian, supposedly the fucking vanguard of, well, Guarding stuff, haven't covered it, but the DAILY MAIL have. :scratcher:
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:giggle: I wonder of Gerrie Coetzee said that to Mike Weaver after Weaver knocked him out... "but...but... you're bleck???"
Oh, I know... I knew it was in bad taste, but I couldn't resist its obviousness Brian Mitchell, too, was pro integration