Ali, I'd knock him out in the first round ( in fact, I would probably win before even throwing a punch as he barely seems able to stand on his own, but would try to hit him with a quick one to make the thing look dramatic) and could brag to my grand children that I beat the best hw ever
honestly ive been to some club fights in LA where there were opponents who just looked like guys pulled off the street that i would beat down. even in some heavyweight fights. outta shape guys making pro debuts
your my boy Sly.. i'd only "want sum" cuz you are my boy.. but i'd whup you like i was your daddy :giggle:
You look like you can box. Therefore, the way I'd fight YOU (as opposed to Buddy) would be to come at you and knock you out early. You look like you have a glass jaw and can't take pressure. opcorn:
my chin is one of my best assets.. for you.. i think i'd move around and box a bit.. then i'd sneak in a straigh right to the body.. right in the solar plexus and you'd go to your knees and throw up i like to hit my friends with body shots.. ever since one of my best friends and i were boxing and he didn't wanna put in his mouth piece.. i was trying to just hit hard to the body and light jabs etc to the head.. well.. he lunged in right as i threw a right hand.. and it hit him in the mouth and he spit out 3 teeth all bloody.. i think you should always wear your mouth piece when boxing.. but you are cool with me sly, i'll stop you with only body shots
Problem with Kimbo, in a street fight, is his SIZE (which also means strength) and the apparent strength of his chin. His skills were limited but his size and toughness alone would be too much for most of us. I could probably box circles around him...but if he got me into a corner and started wailing away, i'd fall like a tree trunk.
LOK has moderately good boxing movement based on the watermelon video he posted but then again anybody can look good shadow-boxing so it's not really any way to gauge LOK's talent. Somebody like Roach or Steward could better analyze LOK's talent and movement. I don't know how LOK would do against a semi-decent amateur boxer since it seems LOK mostly boxes against his friends who are basically bums with no talent like Prakash the gay Indian IT guy LOK works with. I want to see real video footage of LOK fighting REAL boxers, not off the street bums with no talent.:dunno: Basically all the guys LOK beats up on are his "friends" and they all take a shot to the gut and fall on their asses. I want to see LOK fighting good amateur fighters with at least several years boxing experience. I want to see him fighting Olympic competitors. Hell even fighting a Kimbo or a Butterbean would be a major step up from the IT working gay bums LOK is fighting right now.
LOL Hanzy!!! you made me laugh water out my nose!!! first off I don't "fight" anyone really.. i havent put on gloves (other than the MMA gym) in quite a long time now secondly.. I have NEVER boxed any IT coworkers.. LOL.. i have to say i do not fit in with most in my field.. i'm not a nerd and not into gay games etc. also.. when i did train, it was not with indian guys named prakash.. LOL I worked with mostly professional fighters/trainers. the main guy i sparred for a long time was a middleweight contender who fought on TV years back. my boxing experience is decent but haven't strictly trained boxing for a while. I've been in MMA gym now for a year or so and learning grappling,submissions etc. I mainly do it for fun now. you act as if i talk like i'm a pro boxer :bears:
I think I match-up favorably with undefeated, IBF Champion, Nkosinathi Joyi. I'd have a 120 lb weight advantage I'd have a 1 foot height advantage I'd have a foot and a half reach advantage I'd need a 70/30 purse split, but otherwise, he's mine.
I'd see what he's got. Get a taste of his power. I have a head like a rock and pretty strong neck muscles from using my weighted wrestler's neck harness to strengthen my neck muscles. He'd probably crack me fairly decently at some point if he's coordinated and fast. I've met sly and he was in good shape. He looks more built in-person than he looks in the half-nude photos he has posted in the past. Looks to be about 175-185lbs. Not much bodyfat. I'd definitely give him a gutcheck. I have pretty decent power---good enough to break bones anyways. Sly would definitely get an abdominal workout out of it. If he didn't keep that midsection tight, I'd give him a belt to the guts that would make him shit his pink boxing trunks.
Most of the f*ckers on this board have no boxing experience at all.:laugh11: They just like to talk sh*t online.
Perhaps. I trained seriously in a number of martial arts when I was younger, boxed a bit and had many streetfights. I've also sparred with amateur boxers and martial artists over the years, but I haven't trained for anything competitive in a LOOOOONG time. I'm a desk jockey who trains for fun in his spare time. A good amateur boxer would make me look silly, but that amateur would need years and years of training to do so. Sly doesn't have that. I'd make him wear a skirt. :laugh11:
Why did you have so many streetfights? Did people just hate the sight of you while walking down the street and want to beat you up? ::
Hanzy.. i'd like to box you too OR MMA if you like that better would you say you are a better boxer or MMA fighter?
I'm sure that was part of it. Kingston has a wild nightlife and there were lots of tough guys roaming the streets after the bars closed. I was a hothead as well, so sparks often started up.
I wouldn't fuck with you in a hurry. All the mocking Karl gets, very few people around here would live with him for too long. I fight best when I have a very particular anger about me, I find I get far angrier with the behaviour I encounter in Supermarkets oor convenience storers than I do with the behaviour I encounter in nightclubs or pubs. This evening in a motorway convenience store in Wicklow, some inbred scrotes were causing trouble for the impeccably polite guy working the counter. For me, that's cause enough to put somebody in traction. Clubs and the small hours were invented for idiots to cause trouble, but anti-social behaviour during daylight hours of a workday is a big no-no. Thats when I go postal, rather than on the street.