Yeah, Karl is not a guy I would mess with in a streetfight, but I'd definitely spar with anybody here for fun. If I get a black eye or whatever, I can just keep my mug in a cubicle and work throughout the day. No biggie! :)
I would put the ear-muffs on, let you tee off, then try to get some work done as you recouped. I'd just establish a sort of a detente and run down the clock. Streetwise, I would be less well off, I really don't fight well at all unless I am seriously pissed off.
Yeah, I get that feeling. We've put our differences aside, so I'm not going to instigate anything with him. He did have his chance to show me, but apparently thought better of it after having thought it through. Meh, it's all good.
Oh, I wouldn't be dumb enough to think I'd take you out quickly. I'd definitely pick my shots and keep it in cruise control. You're taller and you have boxed a bit in the past. I'd be watchful. Still, it'd be fun. We could search out old postings from Boxingpress/SecondsOut to read in between rounds. ::
:: Just watching Danny Garcia hitting the pads on Sky Sports. I think I could take Garcia. Call it a feeling I have. ::
Who is that girl in your sig getting her face rearranged, Irish? She's got a pretty impressive swollen eye.
Stop being so damn respectful all the time Buddy! You know you would f*ck Irish's ass up and sh*t on his face! :laugh11:
man do you guys want to suck eachothers' d*cks or something? :: you don't even know Buddy Rydell and Buddy doesn't know you, yet you both act so respectful to eachother, you make it seem like he's f*cking Vitali Klitschko or some sh*t.
Yeah, just as long as we keep Stinger away from 6 foot tall drunk kids who can put him in a headlock so he has to bite them on the nipples to avoid being choked to death. Other than that, Stinger is one to be feared.
I don't know. You seem inconsistent in your stories. First you say you box and train and can fight well, then you say you can't fight for sh*t.....which is it Buddy?
Damn, you're really fishing today, Hanzy. LOL. If I had something to train for, I'd train hard. As it is, I don't exactly have my foot on the accelerator. Give me something to train for, and I do. Life isn't about that kind of thing for me now. I'd do it for a laugh and some fun, but it's not like it used to be with unlimited time and no responsibilities. <label for="rb_iconid_11"></label>
I don't want to give guys names out I will say.. After studying and practicing martial arts my whole life... I met this guy through a mutual friend. We went to his house once and hung out he had an extremely strict and regular pattern. Every evening he'd put a big brisket in the oven. Then he'd go out and do his roadwork... Miles and miles.. Then come home and work the bags, heavy, speed, double end... The first time I saw him hit the heavy bag I was in awe. Now I had trained my whole life, worked with some good people in different arts.. Never NEVER did I see something as impressive as this guy hitting the bag. He fought middleweight (160) I was 185 back then and very lean... But when he hit the bag, it was like hitting it with a baseball bat...( BAM!!!!!) It was impressive The first time I sparred him I was also amazed. He would hit me with body shots and the force was ridiculous That is the day I REALLY started to love boxing
It happened all over, Hanzy. The hosting company which hosts FB on its server mentioned recently that it was upgrading servers. They must have lost a few posts.
Dude you're too short, and your reach is laughable. Also that 200+lbs on such a short frame means that you're probably slow as fuck. I'd box rings around you, pepper you with'll be easy work.
Just boxing training in a gym for a year or so. I've never fought a real amateur or professional fight, just sparred. But I'm FAST...lightening fast. :kidcool:
BA-HA-HA!!! Just because my arms are big, it doesn't mean they are short---just big. You're as short as me, if not shorter, with a gimpy knee. You couldn't box a ring around a hula hoop. ::
As fast as a person on one leg can be. I wouldn't want to spar with you though because after you woke up, you probably wouldn't want to be friends anymore. Some people wind up turning into your worst enemy after you spar with them. You're my boy, sly. I can't bear the thought of laying you out even though it would look pretty funny on video. ::