I think she is one hell of a fighter, reminds me a bit of Carlos Monzon the way she can strike her foes without getting hit too much in return. Love the way she sets up a bit right from outside with a hybrid hook off of a jab, a very hard thing to do. I'm moving to Peru soon and will begin my research there, and hope to do a book on her in the near future. She is as popular there as Manny Pacquiao is in the Phillipines, and she may be the best female professional boxer on the planet. Thoughts on this dynamite fighter?
Opportunity and my fiancee are there, Andrew. Going to try to put Chris Henry vs. Reggie Johnson on over there as well. Folks there are not used to seeing big guys fight and I think it will go over well. The boxing scene there is minimal with only one Alberto Rossel being the WBA Light Flyweight Champion and Kina there as well. I read she maintains a home around LA as well and trains most of the time over there.
Peru's quite a move. Good luck, Karl. Reggie Johnson? He's still fighting? Henry would massacre him at this stage.
I don't get why women think making that pouty mouth is sexy. It isn't. they mostly wind up looking like Wanda.