Simple. The kids use Stevie's trampoline or the others that we have set up, we check out the place, shoot some pool, play some ping-pong, take the boat out for a trip around the lake, fire up the bbq, talk some boxing, and then sly and his family head out while I count the tear-soaked $500 he brought me.
Nah, we can say we kept in touch because of the Radio show, sent a few emails, and "Lo and behold", they just happen to be in Ottawa. Simplicity itself.
I dunno Buddy the more I think about it, even if you don't your Mrs may spill the beans about this forum. :: I'll meet you, do the height off, collect the money and leave. Sound good?
You ain't collecting shit. Bring cash. I do not accept cheques. The funny thing is that I told my wife about it and she said, "Didn't you guys have a few arguments after we met him in Toronto? I don't think it's a good idea. What if he freaks out?" She doesn't think you should have our address in case you get pissed off again. :: In other words, you sound like her when you're worried about this silly stuff. :laughing:
All kidding aside though, I can't blame her for being concerned. You and I have had arguments in the past, and she only met you once, sly. We could do the height thing at the Beaver Boxing Club here in Ottawa. It's a neat place with a lot of history. That way, I make her happy and we get to go someplace boxing-related. Besides, you yourself think I'm crazy or whatnot based on my postings: some of which were sincere, some were posted while having a few frosty beverages, and even some when I was irritable. I'm flexible on where we meet, but it looks like she isn't. I guess she felt a bit burned after I went to Chicago and the guy turned out to be a headcase. To her, it was a waste of time. Anyhow, off to the beach. Peace.
Why do you drag Natasha everywhere, Buddy? Leave the poor girl at home and you and Sly should meet in private and settle this like men!
:: Ok...I'll take a leap of faith. Just found out though that she's in two minds about going to Ottawa. Might be Montreal instead (after all of this talk) :scared2: But if we go to Ottawa, I'll bring the family. And I'll take your cash!!!!!!!! :: Buddy, the thing is, you KNOW that I'm taller...why do this to yourself? ::
Sly, in all honesty though, are you really 5'10-ish? It just seems impossible to confuse 5'6 and 5'10 :: 5'6 and 5'8 maybe, a 2 inch differential, taking into account slouching and different footwear. But a 4 inch height difference is pretty fucking clear.
You guys should meet to see who has the bigger d1ck. Sly's might be longer but Buddy's might be thicker! You should let your wives decide which is nicer to suck.
I'm 5'9-ish to be fair. I'm Shane Mosley height. But still I dunno how he confuses a 3 inch height difference to him suddenly being taller than me. Very strange fella. I feel bad taking the money from him.
Fair enough, and it's definitely odd. I'm also 5'9, and can you imagine thinking you were taller than a 6 foot guy?
Like shit, you keep saying this, but then you also used to claim you were 5ft10. ::Your height then started taking a nosedive when Anthony was willing to cover your bet. I don't see what you're ashamed of. Being short isn't a big deal.
That's because he's full of crap, mws. He used to claim 5ft10, but he was definitely not 5ft10. I don't see why he feels some need to hide it. Even my wife is like: "That's kind of weird. It's not a big deal being shorter than most people." If he were like 3ft6 with some midget bone disorder where everything's all bent and wrongly shaped, then I could see the sensitivity, but it's hardly something to be ashamed of---being short. I am just a bit shorter than my dad whereas my mom's about 3-4 inches shorter than me. If it were that kind of height difference between me and sly, I would see it easy. My guess is he'll want me to keep his true height a secret. It's an unusual thing to exaggerate. Maybe it's because he used to run track and he thought the ideal was more like Carl Lewis than Ben Johnson? I dunno, I'm not his psychiatrist. ::
See....this is the problem with you, you detatch yourself from reality (lie) and then believe your fantasies. This is why I think you're crazy. This is why Steve Dave doesn't like you. This is why Chi Town doesn't like you. After the fact you always alter the story to suit you. I've seen you do it time and time again on this and previous forums. Whether you're dealing with phonetap, Hanz or even Boss recently. The way things happen and the way you report it is often at odds with one another. Now I'm beginning to believe that Chi Town Slugger had good reason to start hating you. You probably did far more than you're telling us on this forum. "Your height then started taking a nosedive when Anthony was willing to cover your bet" What BS. BEFORE Anthony offered the bet...I had said that my height was between 5'9 and 5'10. That's what he bet on (that I'm 5'9" or taller). I haven't said otherwise since. You're a nice guy but a disgusting liar I'm afraid. But the truth is I don't think you lie maliciously...I just think you're crazy and create these alternate realities ('cause they help you deal with things) and then believe them. That why when I had offended you about your decided to create this fantasy that you were taller than me....then believed it to the point where you made a $500 bet. You probable wont deliver on the bet when I come to Ottawa and blow away your fantasy....probably say you're going through hard times etc etc. Knowing me...I'll feel bad for you and not take your money...but have to start living in reality padna.
Just read this. Ok....I will no longer feel sorry about taking your money. :: I'll find a way to come to Ottawa one way or another and take fucking 500 dollars from your fat, short, big headed, hairy, goitre-necked, scared to smile in pictures...ass. ::
Oh, here it goes---the hostility arises and then Sly decides to bring in my disagreements with SD and some guy from 10 years ago. After thinking about it further, I think you don't want to come clean about your height because you don't want to be teased about it the way that you were constantly teased about supposedly looking like a horse. After saying you were 5ft10 for years and then getting evasive with Anthony about it, you flip the switch and get hostile. I understand you not wanting to get harassed like you were with the horse jokes. It's a form of bullying---particularly when other people pile on. I don't know where you get me being offended about my weight. I've been 205 or thereabouts for quite sometime. It does bother me when people say I'm fat because I work out a lot and do a fair bit of cardio. I stay the same size. You go ahead and vent all you want, sly. You're obviously feeling stress because you're the one hiding things whether it be your height or the fact that you know me from a boxing forum. The way you're acting, you probably won't show regardless because you expect me to act like you and get pissy with you---because you start bringing this other stuff in to try and talk shit about me, saying Chi-Town had good reason to hate on me even though you never met either of us, interacted with us, or even heard half the story. And I believe Anthony was willing to bet on you claiming you were 5ft10. I called BS on it and said I'd bet $5000 you weren't 5ft10. The thread is still there, so anybody wanting to find it can read it.
And I see our friend Baron is reading. Too bad he couldn't come down to be the impartial height measurer, but seeing as how sly won't show or won't bring money, it's probably for naught regardless.