The smileys don't hide the way you're feeling or acting right now, sly. Your words speak for themselves on what is really a trivial issue. Face it, this is who you are when you start feeling stress or pressure.
I don't get why sly has to suddenly become hostile and insulting unless he has something to hide. If his height isn't less than mine, it's a centimeter or two greater at most, but I'm pretty sure it isn't. It's not like I'm claiming some great victory, but maybe he feels humiliated at getting caught in a lie? Ah well, first week of August we'll see if he shows.
Then again, I guess it really does affect some people. If heads of state can obsess over this type of thing, then I guess anybody can.
he's no taller than 5'8 though. If Buddy is 5'6 and so confident about being taller, even if he's not, the difference must be pretty small. I think they also need to measure their height correctly in the short off, not just who's taller. If Sly is taller but is not the 5'9 and a half as he claims, he should only get half the money.
I reached 5'8 probably when I was 13. I never had a great growth spurt like most of my friends though, I just kept growing at a consistent rate until I was 19.
The tape measure will tell all. I think I'm taller, but where it gets weird is when sly claims he's 3 and a half inches taller. My guess is he doesn't show or he tries to get me to keep it a secret. After the insults today, I won't be keeping it a secret. :dunno:
Gatts, you were invited to the last short-o-palooza. I think there should be videotaped proof. We both stand in the same spot and make notches against the doorway with a plumber's level on top of the person's head with an impartial judge like Gatti. Still interested in coming, Gatti? Who knows? Maybe you'll save me when sly freaks out from being shorter. If you're coming, make sure he stops off at an ATM to get me my cash. ::
We don't need a fucking Judge. YOU can be the judge of the "height off" for all I care. :: It's not even close. If we had a sparring match...a judge would be necessary..but height is height....and I'm clearly taller...this is a joke. :atu: You're deluded padna.
Nah, that's YOU who hides behind smilies to attempt to mask your stress. No one is fooled with you. I, on the other hand, genuinely find this funny.
Plus weren't you claiming to be 5'8" not too long ago? :: You're a deluded cunt. I was the one who said that you're clearly not 5'8" and then you started to gradually reduce your height. You went to 5'7" then now to 5'6". You'll be 5'5" by August. :: You have the height problem, stumpy, not me. Wanker.
If sly doesn't show during the first week of August, then I should automatically be declared the winner. Sly will then owe me $500. I know he's planning on not paying, but the shame, scorn, and humiliation on the forum should make for a fun time.
Wow, look at all the namecalling and hostility. I never claimed 5ft8 in my life.:: Looks like there are bad feelings coming from The Sly One prior to The Short-Down in O-Town!
Listen Goitre-neck.....don't start crying because of recent insults....I was cool in this thread until you started getting out of hand. Look back through the last couple of pages and see. You're a bully who can't handle being hit back. You were one of the people callin me horse and shit but guess what...I smile in all my pics (check facebook). You, however...NEVER smile. Why is that I wonder? You're insecure about your smile methinks. hmmm......
Doesn't work that way. The bet is on until we meet. Stop trying to get out of it. You know Ottawa is far from TO...getting there has to be planned...i can't just hop on a bus for the afternoon.
SOMEONE Please do a search and show this guy to be a liar. Still, he's an he could probably find the evidence and remove it.
I'm a bully? Sly, I didn't have a single harsh word. You're the one getting mad and coming out with insults.
word. I agree with you...he's a cunt. He starts shit and can't handle the incoming. Then he gets pissy and find a reason to ban you or remove your mod status or something. I know my days are now numbered around here. ::
LOL. SD, you had your chance at fame and glory. All you had to do was back up your hard talk and insults against someone half your height. ointlaugh:
These are the two posts that were designed to get a response. Well they worked. You may not have called me names, but they were insulting. Don't try to play the innocent now. hno: You looked for a pissing you have it. Goitre-neck! ::
See you first week of August then. That's all that's left to be said on my part. As for SD trying to get in on the action...:dunno:
That should be all that you should have said in the beginning instead of trying to provoke me. And if for some reason it doesn't happen in August...don't pull out of the bet like a coward. :nono: The bet is on until it's resolved.