Tae Bo isn't boxercise. Besides, if sly were as tall as he says, he could take the bet with Anthony now. Of course, then he'll wind up owing both of us money.
That's right, I'd forgotten about that. Muzse trains boxers. I can't remember if he himself boxed back in his prime---the 1940s, but he supposedly trains boxers.
Yeah, it could be so distracting having a bet with more than one person---if you're retarded and can't have more than one thing going on in your life at the same time. I bet if you walked and chewed gum at the same time, you'd fall down. ::
I don't see it really. I'm sure Sly's in good shape when he's actually training but he is lazy and getting old though. Plus he's old too. Did I say he's getting old? Yeah, he's around 40 and getting old. And his wife masturbates to fictional romance characters.
Either that or I'm exposing you again, which means you've been bullshitting this whole time but don't want to admit to it. $5,000. Sly. Think of the vacation you could have with it. Heck, we could do both bets at the same time. You and I both know you're not 5ft9 and a half, which you lied about in the other thread 5 months ago in TAAA. So you'd be exposed for lying about your height, insecure about it, and you'd owe me $5,000. If you're taller than me, which I strongly doubt, I'd pay you the $500---which would still leave me $4500 ahead. Yes, sly, let's do it. I like those bets.
It's funny. Instead of meeting Mariah Carey, Sly is meeting Buddy Rydell. Instead, Nick Cannon got Mariah while Sly has to settle for a disturbed wife who masturbates to romance novel characters. Plus Sly is old and getting fat. That window of opportunity is closing...
If he shows up, he's gonna be pissed off at ME for all the stuff YOU'RE saying, Hanzy. You bastard! ::
The truth on Sly is out! Sly is 5'5, 40 years old, got divorced from his first wife who was f*cked in the head, is now married to another lunatic who dreams of dudes who look like Fabio, Sly has never been in a fight, likes to live out his tough guy persona online, has a height complex, is lazy, has no prospects worth anything, thinks the world is 5000 years old, pretends to follow Christianity while trying to steal music online, and can't get back into the same shape he used to be in... Plus he's still trying to be a star while spending all his time on Fightbeat. His first book is set for release finally after 7 years. It's called "How To Fail At Life". Soon to be released on Amazon!
Sly's gonna give Buddy $5,000. That same money which is supposed to go towards Sly's son's college fund. ::
Oh sorry, I meant that money was for alimony! :atu: There's gonna be a brick going through Sly's windshield shortly courtesy of his first wife! ::
Sly's trying to find some way to increase his height by almost 4 inches before he replies. Maybe he should try jelqing his whole body? ::
Sly's not responding right now. He's trying to pull out the lodged dildo his wife is pleasuring herself with while reading romance novels.
Sly's new moniker is "Destruction And Mayhem". I'm definitely enjoying this Friday afternoon episode of destruction and mayhem! :cheer: I'm on beer number 6 now!!!
All this time I thought Sly was for real. That he had real boxing pedigree. But this week I found out he was only pretending to be a fighter. The only fight he's ever been in was in court trying not to lose everything after his first wife took him to the woodshed.::
I would have accepted your silly response if you had not posted this. http://fightbeat.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1167787&postcount=272 If you are 5-9 for sure, why would you not jump at the oppportunity for 5000? It makes no damn sense. ::