i never said otherwise. In the very post you're quoting I said that I rounded up to 5'10". however somehwere in this thread perhaps you have made a 5'8" claim. Ya short fat goitre-necked fuck.
here you go again? will you never learn? Why provoke the wrath of D&M? The only reason why I wont show is if plans change. Ottawa isn't around the corner. You HOPE I'll be down another 3! That way you stand a chance of winning the bet. Sorry dude...people don't suddenly shrink in a few weeks. Your $500 is MINE, whenever I next see you in person. MINE! :: Your wife may go all Rosie Perez in White men can't jump on your short fat goitre necked ass and leave you after this. Don't blame me.
You said you were coming to Ottawa for a vacation. If you don't show, then I guess we see who's lying.::
Damn before this thread turned into the short off, i was a beacon of righteousness. No offense buddy.
All good, Anthony. I appreciated the GD thread input from your side. I had a few of the details a bit fuzzy, but I knew sly had claimed to be 5ft10. He even admitted as much but tried to excuse his lying. Cool beans!
The fat neck goes with the rest of my fat body. As for showing teeth, I guess I'm not a big smiler for the camera.:dunno:
Wife mentioned it as a possibility. I guess I should have waited for it to be booked etc before mentioing it, but I was excited about teh prospect of collecting my $500 from you and putting tis silly matter to rest and s jumped the gun. But you're not getting off that easy. the bet is on until we meet. Stumpy.
I've seen his smile in person...put it this way...there's a good reason why. :: With the way he looks, he's lucky to even be married to be honest with you.
It's not just a fat neck. It's a big bulge on your throat. Anyway, I shouldn't make fun of it...that's a terrible affliction. Sorry pal. Whenever someone doesn't smile for the camera it's because they know they have dodgy teeth or a stupid looking smile. I met you in person.....both are true. ::
Sly, come on man, ribbing someone about their smile is the sort of thing a homosexual would do. Who cares if he doesn't smile, or even if his smile is highly unattractive :: Let's stick to height here and not become all bitchy hno:
Come on sly. You make it seem like every woman in the world is some super confident glamorous model. A lot of bitches out there have just as many issues with self esteem and looks as dudes.
He's a cunt. I've only just STARTED with him. :giggle: I've got plenty more in reserve. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...and the fucker has been trying to paint a picture of me as an insecure cunt. The Sly One doesn't play that shit. :nono:
Sly, if you were gay, which member of FightBeat would you find most attractive? I know you're not gay but if you were, who do you think is the guy who you'd most want to have sex with?
Please. Can you imagine what debate would ensue. Buddy and Sly were standing next to each other and debating who is taller. Can you imagine if they got into a "swordfight?" Buddy would say he is 5.5 to 6 inches. Staff would say he was at least 12 inches.
Sly's not 12 inches. I saw his pic and examined his crotch and I don't see a bulge. A penis over 6" has a bulge and he didn't have one.