That's what I'm thinking too. Hence why since Buddy's made this claim I've decided that he has to be a little crazy. Thing is, it's not even close. Dude keeps talking about having some impartial judge there to decide it and as far as I am concerned Buddy himself can be the judge and call it. :: First Buddy was saying that he's 5'8". Then when I said that's impossible he said between 5'7" and 5'8". I knew he wasn't 5'7" even. Now he's claiming 5'6"....which is within the ballpark but he seems more like 5'5" in person. He's a short little fella. I don't know what I did to give him the impression that he was taller than me....I'm still bewildered. Buddy is an insane fella, what can I say. But like he says...he's had childhood issues, family planning issues, workplace issues, flu issues, chi town slugger issues, family history of obesity issues etc. Dude simply has issues. ::
One of you is really crazy. Thankfully, the gods have spared me meeting either of you, but this is one of the strangest arguments ever. You guys are disagreeing over 3 or 4 inches which is not a trivial difference in height. One of you is a nutter of the highest order or has no respect for money. $500 bucks over a simple issue. I hope this gets settled.
That isn't the point. Jaws and I are roughly the same height although he is still growing and at this point he's probably taller, but you'd need to look closely. My head is up to Steve Dave's chin. It would be like me claiming that Steve and I are similarly tall. That is what Sly and Buddy are arguing over. If you take either one at their respective word, one of them is off by an awful lot. Rydell says he is 5'6 and if Sly is close to him he'd be at best 5'7. This is unless Rydell is wrong and Sly is actually 5'9. Either way, one of these guys is getting exposed. I really am baffled. I don't know which one is lying in this case.
Well if you read the whole thread, i specifically addressed this. THAT is why i made my bet. There is no way 3 inches can be mistaken. I said it's not that somebody is wrong, somebody is straight up lying.
I think sly is lying about being 5-9. Which means the difference between the two would be two inches. But i feel Sly has the potential to lie about his height and he very well could be 5-7. Either way, NO FUCKING WAY HE IS 5-9. I offered 5k on a hunch and sure enough he avoided the bet like you avoid pussy warts.
I very much agree, it's a bizarre argument. 3 inches+ is a very decisive height difference. I'm 5'9 and my best friend is 6 foot, there's absolutely no way either of us could mistake the other for being the same height. He'd have to be properly slouching to be my height, let alone smaller. As you say, they've even met each other :: One of them really is lying or flat out crazy. Either the height difference is minimal, and Sly is really exaggerating his height, or Buddy is crazy and has a really bad memory or something.
I just used sly's number. He initially said 5k. He seemed like he really needed that 5k for a vacation.
i think sly is taller but he is not 5'9. He must be 5'7 and Buddy is between 5'5 and 5'6. Perhaps the shoes Buddy was wearing when they met made it look like he was slightly taller.
5'11. I been measured at 6 foot, before, but I have a bad back so I got measured at the doctor 2 days ago and I was 5'11. No one considers me short.At worst, I am 5'10 and a half. I am pretty average physically. I lucked out though. Half of my family is tall, really tall and the other half are very short. I lucked out and split the difference. No tall tale for me, no pun intended.
Unless steve is 6'6, you ain't 5'11 if you're hitting his chin. Otherwise it means steve's whole head is only 4" big. LOL!
That's my feeling too. Sly is probably in the 5'7 range, possibly even with his extra half an inch, 5'7 AND A HALF :: And Buddy is in the 5'6 range. Unless Buddy is completely bonkers, you'd have to think the height difference was an inch or 2 at most, not 3 inches+.
It was just an example. I am not sure where my head was in relation to his. All I am saying is Stevie Wonder could tell Steve is taller than I am . Plenty of people of met me before. I know 5'10 and 5'11 is the the height stated by guys who are 5'7 or 5'8. Some people really are 5'11 and I am one of them. I certainly wouldn't bet $500 dollars that I am Steve's height. Now go get your shinebox.
Were you really significantly taller than Oscar? Oscar has always looked tall-ish to me, or at least his listed height. He looks in the 5'10 to 5'11 range to me. He's never really dwarfed by people, even looks a decent height next to 6'1 Hopkins.
I was taller than him, clearly. . He is no more than 5'8 and 1/2.or 5'9. Also, he has a very thin and unathletic build. He is not a big guy at all. I could see in person how he made lightweight. I was actually a little shocked. On tv he always seems tall. Maybe the room was on a slight decline. I don't think so though.
That's crazy if Oscar really is only 5'9. Not only does he look taller on screen, but how tall does that make his opponents? It would make Floyd 5'7 tops.