Wasn't trolling. Just said that if you're a legit 5'11 and steve is a legit 6'3, then it's impossible for you to only come up to steve's chin.::
I always pay my bets Hanz. I wanted Gatti to be the judge and i was just going let him keep the winnings. Gatti is like the son i never wanted
Whether you pay your bets or not is fine. But I'm asking if you REALLY were going to pay another member of FightBeat $5,000? This isn't money you simply just throw around without consulting your wife you know.:laughing: That's why I was asking if you're rich. What type of work do you do? I saw the video you made where you're driving around your workplace area. Looked like a heavily Mexican-populated area. A poorer part?
I stood right next to Hopkins and I don't buy for a second he's 6'1. He was shorter than I thought he'd be.
What part of i always pay my bets dont you understand? My Wife? My wife hasnt brought income into the house for 10 years. I dont ask her what i do with MY money. I tell her. :atu: Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit
Interesting, I do know it's common place to add an inch or 2 to fighters, but Nard also looks like one of the few guys who whose height IS legit. Always looks pretty tall on TV. How tall do you think he really is?
Well, he IS much taller than Oscar. Go to the staredown here at 2:51 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWUOL3Gj6Nw&feature=relmfu I'm not good at guessing height but I was surprised how small he looked.
What bets did you pay? And when? I'll look them up and see for myself if you can give me an approximate time of when these bets took place. Also, still interested in your line of work. If you don't mind that is.
Interesting, he DOES look a lot taller there, looks close to 4 inches taller. When I see them standing together at fights it looks more like 2 or 3. I guess it's possible all their heights are simply exaggerated by an inch. Hopkins is probably no more than 6 foot, Oscar 5'9, Floyd 5'7.
Many years ago. 2005 I think it was. Tyler posted it when we had that thread going where members were posting their pics up. If you notice, the photo is taken while slanted slightly towards the left which actually makes Tua look a bit taller.
I met Tyler too. He is easily 6 foot 3. He said Tua was about 5'11 actually. He said that his thick build makes him look shorter than he was.
I met Ben Johnson at a bar in Mississauga about 6 years ago and we were exactly the same height. However tall Ben Johnson is...I am.
So is Steve Dave's head only the size of a large grapefruit? I don't think he'd be allowed on TV if that was true. But seriously, Buddy and Sly fighting over who is 5'6 or 5'7 is like 2 bald guys fighting over a comb.
Yeah, and personally I think Baby Jake rounded up to 4'10.5, looks more like 4'10 imo, possibly even 4'9.75.
See....this is what is annoying about Buddy...and why I intend to e-fuck-him-up. He is the one that's made this look like we're fighting over height. I don't give a shit about height. I'm tall enough, never had a problem with my height. All that happened is that I was making fun of his weight and he, in desperation, inexplicably blurts out that he's taller. I laugh and say he's mad, he persists and I make a bet with him to see if he's crazy or just fucking around. Then Anthony decided to jump in with his two left feet as usual, buddy spurred on my Anthony's cuntifery starts making it seem like a big deal and voila here we are today! :: That's why this forum sucks! :giggle: