It should be done in person. After all the shit he talked, he should back it up. I'll videotape it. I don't believe he'll be honest about it otherwise. Just like he wasn't honest about coming here to film his documentary in February . Just like he wasn't honest about being 5ft10, 5ft9.5, or whatever. Looks like this documentary never got filmed even though he "needed to do some filming in Ottawa". And here he admits to "rounding up" to 5ft10. Nah, I don't trust him. After all his big talk, he's already looking for an escape.
So you do yours and we'll all be the judge if Sly is doing it honestly or not. Get your picture up ASAP and put all the pressure on him.
If someone posts the picture and the other refuses... even if no money changes hands, they will have won the bet in the eyes of your fellow posters. I'm sure the money would be nice, but at this point you have to figure proving you're right would be even more satisfying.
Soon as my wife gets home, I'll do that. A barefoot picture against the doorframe. That way the metal tape measure is flush with the floor and goes straight up to the notch. It's still not going to count though because we were supposed to do it face-to-face during the first week of August. I don't mind showing my height. I just want to make sure I make the notch on the wall correctly to get as accurate a measure as possible. Nobody's home yet other than me.
Yeah dont worry about the money anymore. Sly was never gonna show up. This is about Fightbeat Rep now.
Yeah Buddy, do it for Fightbeat :bears: And yeah good idea, tape firmly flush on the floor, in a doorframe. We can be the judge if there's any tomfoolery, camera trickery, or possible photoshopping etc.
I tried measuring my height but taking a picture by myself while doing the notch is a bit difficult. Hard to take a picture with my feet in the frame. It's a good idea to have someone independently doing the notch with the Sharpie marker because I just did it and it says like 5ft7 and what looks to be about 1/3 of an inch. Can I round up to 6ft4? LOL, Apparently I'm not as short as I thought I was. No socks or nothing. I just did a test measurement against the doorframe in the basement (where I don't care if I make a mark because that side of the basement is unfinished).
Yeah, I can't just do it against the wall on the main floor because there's a thick border panel along the bottom of the wall that doesn't allow me to get the tape tight against it. It could distort the measurement a bit. I'll curl my toes up off the ground too so that everyone can see it's my heels firmly touching. I have a green metal tape measure here, so it'll be as accurate a measurement as the measuring tape company can get it. Funny thing is the tape measure says it was imported by a company in Toronto.
I'm 5'8 3/4 and like to round up to 7'2. I find if you round up anymore than 17.25 inches, people can tell you're lying straight away.
IT JUST GOT REAL IN HERE!!!!!! Sly must respond or risk losing major credibility!!! Muzse "the wind up merchant" - Slice :rock:
After I finish my business with Rydell, I may decided to take you up on this bet. You deserve to be poor for repeating this when you have no clue.
I figured out a good way to get the most accurate measurement possible---well, without a laser anyways. I have a carpenter's level and I put in on top of my head and flush with the door. That way, no funny stuff happens with the marker when I'm making the notch. We're getting scientific up in this motherfucker. I'm gonna need to post 4-5 pictures to make sure I show my feet flat on the ground (with my toes bended back like the MMA guys do), my back flat against the doorframe, and the plumber's level on my flat head. :: From there, a notch will be made under the level and we'll measure that notch with pedantic accuracy. ::::
Looks like I'll be adding an album to Facebook or Imageshack this afternoon. I hope the camera is charged up.
Man o Man.....when I'm ready for you I'm going to run you off the board. I'm not ready yet though, so enjoy. :giggle: Right now I'm concentrating on Rydell.
When Buddy posts his pictures, he's gunna be all like "Hey Sly, you got served!!" :mj: Then Sly's gunna be all like "Dewd, what?". Then Sly is going to post pictures of himself naked in the doorframe to one up Little Buddy, and be all like "No Buddy, YOU got served". :mj: