See...there you go again!! :: This isn't provoking me? If ever there was even a hint of men feeling bad about my insults, it's gone now. You're just asking for it. I wont insult you right now's too warm. Revenge is a dish best served cold. I'll consolidate the poison and keep it on ice.
:giggle: y'all can call me what you want. I aint posting no picture of me being measured. Only an idiot like Buddy would do such a thing (because he NEEDS to feel forum love). Plus he wants to get out of having to give up the cash. I don't have to do that. I'll meet him in person and settle this and get paid.
So, it's like me 5'4" or bet with Buddy still stands and he's not goign to get out of it. Post a picture of yourself getting measured indeed.... What y'all think I have no life? :giggle: Don't confuse me with Buddy. :nono:
I won't call you 5'4". I don't think you're a shade over 5'8" but i certainly won't call you 5'4". :bears:
Come on Sly! Do it and shut everybody up once and for all and Godfather and Buddy can both send your money to you via bank transfer or paypal. :bears:
When I am ready for you it'll be cold and clinical...out of the blue. Jaws, for example, didn't see it coming at all and he's more or less gone now as a result. I was brewing that one for a year until it was time. You're pushing it now, Anthony. Really pushing it. Leave the horse stuff inspires the mob.
don't you want to see the pics to analize their crotches or have you studied Sly's enough to fulfill your research?
what happened to jaws? what was his beatdown and where did you bury his body? Are you living with it like that Rausing dude?
What do I care if you feel provoked after all the shit-talking you did when I was being friendly and polite? You feel as provoked as you want. I gave my thoughts to those guys because even you know it's damn close, you're bullshitting about it, Mr. 5ft10. Then on top of that, you make up a bunch of stuff, saying I'm crazy, a disgusting liar, lucky to be married, etc. Saying you're bullshitting is rather mild in comparison.
You're on my facebook, I look short to you? My wife is 5'6" and with high heels she's still not as tall as me. If you don't believe that she's 5'6" look at pics with her against other women. Either there are alot of 4'11" women out there or she's tall for a woman. Anyway, Rydell is crazy and he's going to give me $500. And he's NOT 5'7". If he's 5'7" then I'm 5'11"!
Against my principle I may have to go after GF and his $5000. He seems to have money (got his family business and what not) so he may pay up afterall. But right now it's about taking money off buddy so he'll cry to his wife for forgiveness. Tha fat cunt.
DAMN Sly is crossing the line. This friendship could have been saved, but sly might have made an enemy for life Sly, i liked it better when you could take a joke.
To be fair to Sly, when I first saw some pics of him, he didn't look that short to me, I figured around 5'9, bit smaller than average, but didn't look like he'd be much under 5'9. Can't speak for Buddles, as I've only seen a pic of his face. Who knows though, pics can be deceiving, Buddles seems convinced they are about the same height.
Just make sure you show, slybiscuit. I'm through sparing the rod. Keep it up, and I'll take photos of you wearing a saddle and a feedbag with a carrot hanging out of your ass.