The last thing he mentioned was his wife, so that is why i figured he meant her. Eitherway, it wasnt clear and sly knows it.
Yeah, I was cool about it in the beginning, but he's pushed it a bit far. If he's telling the truth, all he has to do is show up and take my money. That won't happen.
And frankly, if I were wrong, it shouldn't be a big deal. He didn't say you're wrong or you must be joking, he got all offended and started up with insults. If it's not a big deal or if he were telling the truth, there'd be no reason to get offended or start right away with insults---especially when I was willing to accommodate the guy and show his family a good time. Nah, that was straight up bullshit.
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Well, we're getting the digital camera back tomorrow. My wife forgot it at her sister's place (Long story short, her sister's getting married). I guess I could use the DVD camcorder. Stay tuned.
Both sly and buddy seem like cool guys to me. I hate seeing my e-friends fighting. Ah well...might as well enjoy it I guess... opcorn:
I'm not talking about his wife. Come on now. I would never talk about a man's wife that I've met in person. I have nothing but praise for his wife and she's not fat.