No cmon Sly I thought the same thing. You did say go crying to your wife. That fat cunt. We all know Buddy works out. So it makes no sense to call him fat.
So I hear that your digital camera is at your sister in law's place. :giggle: You idiotic cunt. Will you divulge every little detail of your life to these folks that you don't know? As for the slybiscuit shit....a man that's too scared to show his teeth has no business trying to insult another. Plus you look like you've swallowed a hamster and it got stuck in your throat! ::
Why is it so hard to take a picture next to a fucking measuring tape? I know everyone in the damn world has a phone with a camera. Buddy's excuse about a camera being at his sister's cousin's brother's uncles house isn't going to fly here! I demand proof!
Yeah that excuse sounds a little fishy. Doesn't everybody nowadays have like at least 5 cameras laying around ? Hey Buddy ! It's 2012 . Phones have cameras now. Go turn in your rotary and get something decent.
A fucking lap top has a camera. HOly shit Buddy you would drive across the United States of America to an imaginary funeral but you won't drive to your sister's uncle's nephew's house and pick up your camera?
For all the over adminning that sometimes goes on here, I think Anthony should close this thread. This silly shit has gone far enough, no goods coming of it.
Some of us just don't have anything to hide, slybiscuit. You do seem kinda fixated on my looks, which is pretty funny and ghey, but that's alright---if that's what turns you on. I also found it funny that you had the nerve to say I'm lucky I'm married. Dude, you've been divorced at least once. Who are you to be talking about marriage? Statistically, gay people have a better chance at staying married than you do.
Bullshit. I dont need to stir shit up, this shit is stirred up like a motherfucka. I thought you called her that.
I can't believe you guys actually met before on a lunch date. If you had another one now you guys would probably kill each other!
Well dude, I made the effort of meeting up with him and being cool with him. Over the past few years, I didn't have anything negative to say about the guy until he started with the insults. Anybody with any doubts about that just has to go back to pages 11 and 12 of this thread.:dunno:
If Fightbeat were a wardrobe, Sly and Buddy would be shorts. Ok, now that the atmosphere here is light again, let this thread go on
What chance do you think that if they met now, their "tussle" would turn into the "Straight Dave" scene from Bruno? <!-- AnyClipPlayer embed code | © 2011 Anyclip --> <div id="AnyClipPlayer" style="width: 640px; height: 360px;"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">AnyClipPlayer.load(["#AnyClipPlayer", {autoplay:'true',clipid:'ylrA4bb7bhtJt'}]);</script> <!-- End embed code | -->
I think it's extremely likely. I would be VERY surprised if it didn't. There is a lot of sexual tension between these two guys.