They invited me to come down there to meet them too...on a WORK day! I would've met their wives. I wanted to show Sly's wife and Buddy's wife my fabulous artwork I did of their husbands while we had lunch. We would've had a whale of a time! :l2:
Sure but only if you bring your wife and kids with you. I want to show them my portfolio of their Dad and how special a place he had in my FightBeat life. Plus I would bring my lawyer so that I don't get my ass kicked! ::
Nah.. Just me and you Hanzy.l old friends.. We could have a beer and go for a walk and talk about good times
I shook hands with him when I first met him, and I shook hands when I was leaving. He's definitely classier in person or at least he was then.
Not true. It was a Sunday when we met. You were afraid sly was gonna beat your ass for that female bodybuilder photoshop.
Was it a Sunday? I could've sworn it was a weekday. I remember we were having these conversations while I was in the office. I don't think it was arranged for a weekend because I'm certain Sly had arranged to meet you during his lunch period at work? :dunno: Well, the average height for men in Canada is 5ft8.5 and sly certainly appeared to be shorter than that. Barring any late growth spurt while he was in his late 30s, I guess it's possible, statistically speaking.
I don't think he was working on a Sunday although it's possible. It was arranged for that day because the concert was the night before. Maybe he was going to church, praying the judge didn't fuck him in the ass too hard when it came time to readjust alimony and child support?::
She's pretty hot. Pictures don't do justice. She needs to be seen on tv to get the 'real effect' if you know what I mean. I wonder why she guest starred on TUF and went into the house with all the male fighters? Seemed strange. Dana White already said "No females will ever fight in the UFC."
I didn't see that. I don't really watch TUF. I only watched the Kimbo season and that was even a little boring. They should have a season where one team is white racists and the other team is black racists. But as a twist the black racist team is coached by a white racist coach and white racist team is coached by a black racist coach. That would be fun. I'm gonna email Dana my idea.
The greatest part of Rousey being at the TUF house was when they were all sitting around watching the PPV and one dude asked her if she wanted anything to eat. Rousey said she was afraid to ask, but she'd really like some salted nuts.
I didn't understand why she went to the house in the first place. Didn't make sense because she's a lone female going into a house of umpteen dudes, she doesn't work for the UFC, will never work for the UFC, and there is no women's fighting in the UFC, period. Dana realizes the show is crap and boring and the ratings are in the dump so he attempted to get a hot fighter chick to get something going with the otherwise sh*t show.
It's interesting that it states the average in England as being only 5'9.5. I'd say the average height for while males in Southern England is at least an inch taller than that. I always feel taller when I am in London, more ethnic diversity, and more short people, their heights seem to differ more than white people. Honestly though 5'9.5 seems hard to believe as an average height. I regularly see guys in the 6'2 range, like most days I go out, it's a fairly normal height. If 5'9.5 was average, surely you'd see as many guys who are about 5'5, and how often do you see guys that are that fucking small? :: I often see guys who are a bit smaller than me, in the 5'7 to 5'8 range, but honestly how often do you see guys smaller than 5'7? It's pretty rare.
A lot of the young English guys I've seen at the Exit festival are indeed rather talll, bunch of Joe Hart looking mother fuckers.