Like I said, that part is made up, but sly mixed just enough truth in with it to make it sound believable. ::
Amazing how that happened, eh? Almost like someone wanted to deflect attention from the bet or just make sure it didn't happen. ::
I think it's pretty clear he isnt 5-9 and is not ok with the forum knowing this. You should still post the picture Buddy
He's about 5ft6 or so---maybe a little bit shorter. He used to say 5ft10 and then he switched to 5ft9 and a half. If he was 2-3 inches taller than me, I'd remember it. :dunno: Messed up thing to get bitchy about---let alone start this giant shitfest. Some people don't like their BS being outed in public even though this is a private subforum.
If you measured yourself at 5-7 and you claim you are taller, he has to be 5-6. I hope this gets cleared up soon
I don't know why he wouldn't be ok about it. He lied about it from the beginning. I guess he doesn't like being shown to be full of shit when he prides himself on being oh-so-analytical and clever. If he had just said, "Yeah, I'm short", would anybody really have cared? By raising such a fuss over it and becoming a bitch, he really played himself. Perhaps he can't stand criticism?
Sly is 5'6 and yet claims he's 5'10???? :: 4" is pretty significant. It's more than an extreme tiptoe.
:: Not sure I've ever seen anyone exaggerate their height by 4 inches. An inch is common, usually no more than that. Having said that, bigdawg claimed 5'9, and someone that met him, Jake or someone, said he's more like 5'6.
Approximately 5ft7 or so, yeah. Well, he claimed he was coming here the first week of August. He said he was going on vacation with his wife and kids to Ottawa. If he knew that, why be a bitch and start a big shitfest unless he knew he'd have to cough up $500 and be shown to be a liar? I tried for awhile to keep it civil, but he wouldn't have any of that, calling me crazy, a disgusting liar, etc. You have to be pretty insecure to lie about such stupid shit and then get all pissy about it. Maybe he's thinking people will let it blow over? :limp:
It'st just because he is skinner. has a long face. He posted a picture next to some asian girl and he looked the same height (if i remember correctly) that should tell you something.
Since the height off won't happen I propose that a 5'9" member of the board meet up with Sly to compare height then meet up with Buddy to have a height off. That is the only way to settle this since it's not wise to get Bleeder and Sly in the same room.
Then he claimed 5ft9 and a half, which was also not true. One thing's for sure: he's an insecure bitch who's afraid to lose $500. Otherwise, do you think he would have gotten all pissy like this?:dunno: Then he made up stuff like his wife is 5ft6, and he's taller than her when she wears her 3 inch heels. I have no idea how tall his wife is because I've never met her, but he should fucking know better than to act like this over a goddamn bet.
I'm indian. Size doesn't matter. As long as white stuff comes out, babies are gonna get made and your job will be taken over by a brown dude soon enough, boss!