there's no way I'm reading this 700 page fagfuck. I'm informed Seabiscuit is taking credit for my disappearance. Sorry horse, I'm rarely at this shithole because its inhabited by an incredible mix of losers, (cdogg, buddy, sly, reed, etc.) idiots, (buddy, sly, reed, cdogg on music, etc.) and faggots (REED, SLY, analtap, neil, etc.) Good to see hanz back posting.
Did I miss a picture of Jaw's wife having a mustache?Or is it one of the fightbeat specials. You know, something repeated 100 times and based on nothing. Like Jaw's having acne, Sly looking like a horse or Caligula telling guys who kicked his ass " he felt so alive?"
Yeah, it's silliness. She looks perfectly fine to me. Sly's wife looks perfectly fine too as does Buddy's.
Wow, I'm an idiot and a loser? Jaws, buddy, that hurts---especially being lumped into the same categories as sly, that cut was the deepest. To think I used to stick up for him when sly was using posting jaws' girlfriend's name. I'd be the first person to give someone shit for doing that to sly as well. Ah well, at least it's nice to be remembered. Nice of him to visit. <label for="rb_iconid_7"></label>
I have seen her a 100 times and never seen a mustache. Never seen Jaws with a zit either. I must have missed something.This place is filled with deranged people. I am considered a strange person, but I bet at worst I am in the normal range here with some of yo freaks. If the internet lives another 1000 years, there won't be a sillier argument between Buddy and Sly.
Could you take, Neil. He has taken more shots to the chin than anyone on earth. Sperm and testes have mass too, right?
Oh gimme a fuckin' break! How many times have I ever had anything remotely negative to say about Jaws? ::
sorry buddy, im with andrew on everything, except his ridiculous Tyson/Ali stance. Honestly my nuthair has more credibility than 90% of the regulars here. I agree it was harsh to lump you in with slybiscuit buddy, I apologize. Its a different tier. This is just one of those times when you guys are all fags, and now that im fucking good looking females, yes plural, on a regular basis, its really tough for me to come on here to the homocircus we have here.
How's Yesenia Cabrera Jones and my two kids: Max and Ruby? Hope you're looking after them Pizza face. :kidcool: