It's amateur Olympic boxing. I saw a brilliant scrap last night between a Moroccan and an "Australian", great fight, then another good fight between a Japanese lefty, 5'10" and a sawn-off Ghanaian, I thought the Moroccan and the Ghanaian had won, went the other way in both cases.
God amateur boxing pisses me off. That little Ecuadoran, Sanchez, got robbed blind Vs the Irishman, Nolan. Fucking worked him over, landed about 50 bodyshots, and they scored it 14 : 8 for Nolan :atu:
The Ecuadorean was shite too, throwing lost of scuffing wide shots, no educated pressure, no real plan against a 6 footer who gives away his height
We are a generous race. I hope the Ecuadorean remembers this and triples up on the next banana consignment to Ireland. :nono:
Katie Taylor will be fighting either the British girl or the American girl in her next, and first, fight. WAR KATIE!!!
I think the competition thus far is miles better than it was four years ago. I've already seen far more watchable fights through two days than I did in all of the '08 Games, in which the pickings were slim. Not to impune the talent on Great Britain, as they deserved to win every fight thus far (4-0 so far), but judges are being a bit too generous in scoring in their favor. Freddie Evans went tooth and nail w/ that dude from Algeria (forget his name), yet final scores made it seem like a rout.
the crowd is much better in London than it was in Beijing. Loved that kid Gausha from the USA. I haven't seen a Brit yet, but haven't been able to watch all day like I usually do. The CNBC coverage focuses on the americans more tho obviously.
Boxing is the only sport apart from football where the best athletes can't attend Olympics. That's ridiculous
Felix Verdejo (puertorican) fought well. Solid defense and aggressive.
What's this bloke like? He's fighting Aussie's best prospect first up;
Yep, I thought it was about level at the end of the first and maybe Evans was 1 or 2 up at the end of the 2nd. Evans got clocked a lot in that first round.
The utter wankfest surrounding that guy is going to destroy him as a pro unless he is managed very very carefully and slowly. He's another Bobick in the making. He has that one big Amateur tournament behind him and now all of a sudden everyones nose is wide open. You see these pundits {Rosenthal, Bunce etc} get all wound up and moist at the mention of his name, he could be the big Phenom they are looking for, put manners on these Eastern European boys, you see.
The hype isn't there yet, I don't know a single casual fan who knows who he is. If he does well in the Olympics then he will deserve any hype he gets
He's a world Silver medallist- and he's been getting a lot of attention in British boxing circles. Haye wasn't really getting any hype with the common man until he knocked out Mormeck, put on his beanie hat and began assaulting people in shopping malls-he was after all on the BBC for his first few fights- but within the boxing circles he was getting bigged up. Boxing is such a minority sport right now that the insider and outsider factions only coincide really far down the road.
It's strange you say that, my girlfriend said exactly the same thing while we were watching, after noticing how crap they looked compared to elite pros. Why is that btw? Why just boxing and football? I guess I've always taken it for granted, but yeah, it IS ridiculous. Guys like Bolt really are the best in the world, and break world records, the Olympics is supposed to be the best of the best and in most sports it is. But you take the best boxer in the olympics, put him in with even someone like Canelo right now, and he would get destroyed.
Good post. I don't have a problem with Olympic boxing being different from pro game: they are two different sports. It could be that the best pros wouldn't want to come to Olympics because the rules don't allow real boxing and because they don't have much to gain from them, but I can't understand the principle. They should be ALLOWED to compete if they want