Yeah, man. You're right. Still, I'm really impressed with your grasp of language. I find it's really important here on a forum where the goal is to be as conversational as possible. :bears:
First off, I don't care about track and field athletes enough to matter. Secondly, my initial reaction would be to let them participate in the olympics so long as they are not being paid as professionals. That might leave them plenty of opportunity to make money via sponsorships or whatever. This would be for the olympic committee to determine what exactly 'being paid as professionals' means, but I've already provided what I think is a starting point: $100,000/year is not an ineligilibility-causing income (for any sport), whereas $1,000,000/year is. So if some hot girl high jumper who makes $2M a year in endorsements, but $100,000/yr in salary be eligible? I think yes, so long as the endorsements are legit and not end-arounds the system.
He needs friends like you, now he has no banning stick. Too bad. If I had to profile this lump, I'd say he has hit at least one of his parents and/or siblings, been in numerous scrapes in school and has at least the germ-element of a criminal record. Everything about him seems like the essence of an over-fed, over-weaned bully who resorts to underhand BS when he can't get his way. The sort of guy who hits smaller kids but is sufficiently repressed to panic at the first sign of a fight where he doesn't hold all the aces. Its why he has a bargain-basement number in the arsehole of nowhere and cannot, from one minute to the next, display a persistent strain of adult behaviour, lapsing constantly as he does back into childish loops.
How do you promote conversation? With bannings? Childish behaviour that means people stop out rather than get involved? Hanging around, masquerading as a boxing fan but really little more than a gala-day bum who shows up hoping to see a bit of gore or misfortune? Poking fun, with your chums, at individual posters? I am intrigued. Prithee tell us all how you engender the conversationalist spirit..........
Is it also childish behavior for a guy in his 30s to freeload off relatives because he doesn't have his own place? Or is that different? Please help me with the difference.
I was invited to stay because they wanted a presence in the house at night. That's the 2nd time you have suggested I "freeloaded" and it is the 2nd time you have directly referred to my family, extended or not. Running out of options are you? Or did I cut too close to the bone with my profile? Which of your parents did you hit?
I'm not suggesting it. You're freeloading. I've been paying my way since I was 19, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.
How am I freeloading? They heard I was wanting to relocated, asked me would I consider them, and I said yes, but only after I secured work within the locality of the sort I wanted to do, which was easy because I wasn't fussy over terms. My Sister and her Husband wanted to get on with things in South London, they have three carers for his mother but wanted somebody who would be seen around the address and who would be in at night, not off getting rosted with his chums and trying to make it with the Inuit chick on the staff of Beaver Pelt Monthly.
now, mom-beater, why did you hit your mom? Which of them threw you out? I'll bet it was Dad after he discovered your Oedipus complex.
The pauses every time I mention when he beat his mom.....are shocking. It's like he has paused to revisit the entire sordid affair, if only for a few blissful moments.
BTW I just saw the first boxer who could probably make a successful pro, a guy from Azerbaijan, who got robbed against an Ecuadoran.
Look East!!!Look East!! We've been saying it. As for being robbed, that Bananas-For-Oil deal is going to have to wait now.
I find this to be revealing.
That Iranian was pretty good too actually, just beat the Columbian. And again, had more of a pro style.
Yep. Keep looking East!!! Thankfully these people are white, I can revel in their progress. Cheers rainmaker!!!
Viva white Iranians :bears: How pumped are you Irish that after Floyd retires, it's just going to be... "Broner" Vs a horde of ravenous Easterners? Once again, saw another half decent guy, big Ukrainian. Looked scrubby in the first round Vs a little guy from Belarus, before finding his rhythm and range, and boxing the shit out of him in rounds 2 and 3, with good, crisp, accurate shots.
as for the boxing, yes, its two separate sports now at this stage, in terms of adjudication and preparation. Vitali would probably lose over three rounds in the Olympics. Somebody like Cammarelle would outpoint him. It's actually profoundly different in that regard.