CDogg isn't an idiot, nor is Steve_Dave nor is MWS, but this bolloxology has gone on long enough, I am with you on that. I don't always agree with you but still....
It's gonna be epic. Its gonna be like the Mongol hordes when my dad was akid or something. You are going to have one slick black kid versus these endless swarms of ham-fisted flat-faced barbarians. How long can he hold them off!!! He'll be like Robinson back in the Fiddies fighting the Dagoes- Basilio, LaMotta, Graziano, better than them all but incapable of dealing with the sheer numbers.
I doubt that, lets see who wins gold. I don't think Ogogo will, he really struggled to qualify. Although I didn't see his first bout.
He was on Big Brother or something as well. He's done well just to make the finals, but once you're there you never know.
:: What you think of our coverage so far, Oirish? There were a few technical issues at first but they all seem to be sorted now. Best broadcaster in the world :bears:
:laugh11: BTW Irish, sorry to break the run, but this little Nicaraguan just unleashed his Latin Fury and done the business on a Montenegro-an.
I don't call steve_dave an idiot. He doesn't say enough. I want him to be an idiot, but that's a different issue. MWS is a douchebag who is far more confident in his opinions than anyone who is familiar with them would know is warranted. But I don't consider him an idiot, either. edit: okay, i do consider him to be an idiot, but just not on cdogg's level. Cdogg. He's an idiot. A guy who surely sought his mother's approval over his father's admiration while growing up.
what "bolloxology"? the one where I accurately point out that mikE is full of shit? Amateur Boxing has become a humorous spectacle when compared with the genuine, professional article You want to understand where the leaping originates, look no further
How's Luis Primera doing, geniuS? All I do is wipe my ass with your nonsense at every turn. It's easier than just looking at fish in a barrel
Transparent change in topic, bitch. Go waste another emoticon-only post, fembot. Mommy will be proud that you are making friends.