agREED. :mut: Seriously, I'm not sure who wins. Dawson doesn't always fight with passion, not until he's pressed. Joe's best bet would have been to lay back and try to slap and hold his way to a decision. I can see Dawson winning just as I can see Calzaghe winning. I don't think it's a blowout either way. Both guys would get hurt at some point. Calzaghe's fast punches would be as much a problem for Dawson as Dawson's jab and reach would be for Joe. Joe wasn't doing a whole hell of a lot against Hopkins down the stretch. Neither were truth be told.
Doorson is a negative creep who wouldn't even come close to beating someone with the speed, workrate, stamina, chin etc of Calzaghe. Calzaghe would just slap him silly over 12 rounds.
:: I'll admit it, that made me laugh out loud. In all seriousness, other than just now to wind up McDogg, when have I ever claimed Calzaghe would beat Foster? Or that he was the greatest light heavyweight of all time? Never. I've always maintained he was a DAMN good fighter who you and your fellow Celt underrate criminally, certainly good enough to beat the shit out of Chad fucking Dawson.
I don't know if I'd brag on the chin of Calzaghe. I saw him go down in the first round against Jones and Hopkins and neither shot were great shots. One could argue that Calzaghe's slapping is negative. He didn't sit down on his shots often. Amateurish even. It's really not that far off from what Khan is accused of. No? This is one of the reasons I'd tab Froch to beat him. Eventually Froch would draw Calzaghe into a firefight. I don't think the result would be that much different than how Bute it would take 9 or 10 roounds for it to occur.
Calzaghe wasn't hurt in the Hopkins KD. It was a decent shot which caught him square on and off balance followed by a shove, he wasn't hurt. He WAS hurt by the Jones KD but it was a freak wrist shot, which to be honest he probably deserves credit for getting up from, that was a sickener. Calzaghes chin was solid.
Seriously, I'd ignore Muzes last post entirely. It is quite possibly the worst post I've seen here, and I've seen qwerty post. MTF
Who is trolling who's posts now? I think Froch is much better fighter than Calzaghe and certainly has a better resume. There's nothing Calzaghe would throw at Froch that would hurt him or keep him from walking him down. I can't see Calzaghe dealing with the pressure Froch puts on him.
Jones didn't even catch Joe with his glove...Roy's wrist (around the laces) is what caught Joe. It was more of a cuffing shot. He shouldn't have been hurt let alone have gone down from that shot. If anything, he should have been more hurt from the Hopkins shot. Bernard walked him into that shot.
Then I could list Henry Cooper flooring Ali or Bert Cooper dropping Holyfield as examples. At the end of the day it's rare a top level fighter will go 40+ fights without tasting the canvas.
i'd pick calzaghe but it's still a tough fight to pick, especially at 175. i'd pick calzaghe to beat pascal 10 outta 10 though. dawson convincingly beat at an old old hopkins, but i thought calzaghe clearly beat a fresher but still old ass version of hopkins as well.
Dude I was at the Jones fight, it was a hard shot. Funny thing is I think Joe was OUT for bit before the canvas woke him up. Hopkins did walk him into the shot but I was never seriously worried he was going to be stopped or anything, he didn't really look hurt at all, more embarrassed.
Trolling? Your post was flat out nonsense pretty much in it's entirety. The only part which made any sense was that Froch does have a better resume than Calzaghe; he certainly does. The rest was gibberish. Froch beats Calzaghe? Not in 100 attempts. To beat Froch you have to be faster than him, that is all. If Froch can get to you, he usually wins, but if you are faster he has problems. Taylor dropped him with a shot he didn't see and would have won until he gassed, Dirrell hurt Froch badly on the few occasions he chose to actually fight and Ward kicked the shit out him for seven rounds by beating him to the punch. Calzaghe is as fast as those guys and probably faster; one of the fastest combination punchers ever. He'd hit Froch with all kinds of punches that Froch wouldn't see all night and Froch would chase fresh air for as long as it lasted. Calzaghe is a terrible style match-up for Carl- it would be a slaughter. As for the comparison between Calzaghe and Bute :laughing: Apart from the fact that they are both southpaws, they have nothing at all in common. To compare Calzaghe- a tremendously fast puncher with a terrific engine, excellent recuperative powers, adaptability and movement to a slow-as-molases, straight line moving, chinny, stamina-light box bot is absolutely preposterous. They are literally NOTHING like one another. MTF
That's certainly true "HOWEVER" those guys fought bona fide punchers over the course of their careers and didn't go down. I don't know enough about some of Calzaghe's earlier fights, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he didn't fight a murderers row of heavy punchers. I just think the kind of shots he went down from he shouldn't have. Mike Tyson was knocked out by Lemmon and Buster Douglas yet I still believe he had a solid chin. If not, he would have gone out much sooner than he did in those fights. Sometimes you have to consider the shot that put them down. I don't think Joe should have gone off his feet from the shots he went down from.
:: A cuffing shot? It wasn't even a punch- he took a fucking full -force arm smash to the face (at 2.40): MTF