There Once Was An Errol Called Spence Good Fuck, Was He Suitably Dense He Fucked Up In London And Yank Reps Took A Tumble And Now He Plays Ball Like The Rest.
:: :: Kid Cut Glass was just the beginning, a raw prototype, a flawed bit of carbon, but we've got more being churned out by the finishing schools.........don't get the wrong impression, I love me a bit of Detroit Silk, no doubt about it, but......these Asiatics, they are like the T-34, they rumble in large numbers, its like an Army of Frochs, you can Ward off one of them, but you can't Ward them all off........
:: It's actually quite impressive they decided not to give Shelby a gift like they have half the other Brits.
Oooooh. Selby. That's a hard one to work in. I will just call him "CUNT" instead. There Once Was A Boxer Called Cunt For A Bronze Medal He Did Avidly Hunt The BBC And Their Mob Did Their Best To Help Job But The Cuban Soon Proved Him A Runt.
Oddly, some people were over for dinner, I skipped the desert and had one tea with a sugar. We had Indian tonight. Very acceptable. No Red Bull. :dance:
There are fewer clubs, fewer boxing people. It's not that they're playing football...they just aren't boxing.
Beef roasts are tasty as long as they're nice and rare. You aren't cooking the fuck out of your beef are you, Jimmy??
of course not......I don't cook roasts, I leave that to the old man or the local chef at my local pub ::
No doot aboot it. Roast at Jimmy's - make sure to massage your jaw beforehand and brace yourself, as it's going to get a fucking good workout. Tough as old boots I reckon.
I agree. But REED my post again, I fear you missed the subtle ecological double-entendre. You will like it. :bears:
Could be worse on the Oly boxing front - it could be Taekwon Do! :atu: As is sung in football grounds - WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS THAT!?
Watching Katie Taylor here...the girl is good but she could do with jabbing more. She's getting countered a fair bit. MTF
To be fair, she finished the fight well enough and won well. A chick fighters go, Taylor is a very good one. MTF
The scoring for that Taylor bout was atrocious, as was the commentary. In the first round she just got popped clean with 2 counters as she came in, and the commentators said "Good exchange there" :atu: Scoring was absurd too. Honestly, the Tajikistan girl arguably won the first 2 rounds. She was landing clean counters consistently, every time Taylor rushed in. Taylor deserved the win, but it was a close fight.
I wouldn't argue too hard that she didn't lose the first two, either. As I sad when watching it, she got countered very well in those rounds. MTF