I haven't been impressed by the standard overall. It seems a lot poorer than in recent years, with less than a handful of genuine quality fighters to my eyes. MTF
Ritchie is on the case today: "This lad is one of the best Algerians I've seen for a long time" Fuck me- that's like being the smartest bairn on the sunshine bus. MTF
Loved that; Ukrainian lands a cracking left jab and follows up with a barrage of arm punches into his opponents gloves. Commentator duly hails 'piston like straight punches through the guard" MTF :notallthere:
I've never been a fan of this particular commentator. Who the fuck is he? He is remarkably dull and thoroughly vapid. MTF
Decent fare this as Jimmy said. The Algerian is your typical afflete with quick hands and no skill, whilst the Ukranian is a typical, 1-2 eastern European type with a solid jab and a reasonable straight right. Styles meshing well and making things entertaining. MTF
I've heard him ruining a variety of sports on the BBC for a while now. Needs fucking off, sharpish. MTF
The Algerian has turned into a club fighter and is swinging blindly. Duly takes a count :: Great boxing brain this lad. MTF
In fairness to the Ukranian it looks like he he'd do ok in the pros. The sheer rush of 9 minute fights forces allot of messiness and mistakes
Referee started acting a cunt needlessly there, but the right man will win so long as it is the Ukrainian. I was moderately impressed by him there; some good, straight shots, a solid jab, some decent rights- who would have thought they would be effective. 19-17 score. Expect an appeal. MTF
True, but for some reason I quite like the way he says "Roozbahani". Also he looks a bit like a big dinosaur or something, he's been on with Buncey, on that new boxing channel.