It's as if he's convinced everything he says is the most important thing the listener will hear that night. The way he narrows his eye and lifts his chin knowingly before spouting the most banal shit you've ever heard. Woodhall does the exact same thing. Crossed with Watt's style of making every line of commentary sound like a customer complaint.
:: :: You're not wrong there, that's exactly what I thought when I saw him on with Buncey. Makes Bunce look like Johnny Depp. He kind of looks like a cross between a human and a dinosaur or big insect or something.
<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe> ::
Good decision. It was a close fight but the right guy won. Lewis showing small signs of brain damage. Woodhall showing definite signs of friction burns on hands and knees and some lock jaw. MTF
:: :: Extremes. In the pro ranks, they'd have said that Stalker lost every round and needed to retire. In the amateur ranks, he's been robbed. Woodhall is such a homer its unreal.
Yes he is, to be honest I'm amazed a couple of people in this thread said Woodhall was a good commentator :dunno: I agree he seems a bit more likeable at times than the others, but ultimately he's as much of a sickening, nuthugging, biased bellend as the others.
BTW Stalker launching an appeal is pretty funny. What did they say exactly? "Tom is British, and this is the London Olympics, so we think you should have given him the decision" ? :dunno:
"M'Lod, A Most Egregious Injustice Has Been Done, A Young Lad Stalker, A Mere Whip of A Fellow, Known To His Peers As "Poor Scouser Tommy" Was Set About In A Notorious Den Known Locally As The "Excess Arena", And There He Was Heinously Beaten And Assaulted, By A Large Crowd of Oversized Asiatics, Wearing Blue, Chief Amongst Whom Was This Monkh Fellow, A Wretched And Loathsome Creature, Of Devious Ways, And Thus....It Is Begged, Young Stalker Be Given Some Small Respite For His Suffering, By Way Of A Pass To The Next Round, M'Lod, And That The Swarming Yellow Brood Be Denounced For The Plague That They Are, And Taken To A Holding Place of Your Honour's Choosing, And They Be Transported At The First Opportunity That Pleases Your Honour, To The Remotest Corners of Her Majesty's Empire*" {*2012, this means Northern Ireland}
Interesting that every left thrown in this fight, including from the southpaw is a 'check' left hook:Rubio: