Don't know where I read this but when Holyfield and Tyson were teens, they once were shooting pool somewhere amongst a group of other teens. Tyson sucked so badly at pool that he got furious and bullied the other kids to give him their cue sticks. Holyfield walked up to him and said "Mike, this is my pool cue and you can't have it!" And Tyson laughed and hugged him and both guys became buddies. Anybody ever heard this story?
:: I knew they were briefly friends as kids, though i hadn't heard that particular part of the apologue. I'd heard Mike was unpopular because everyone was scared of him, but Holy gave him some chat and befriended him, like a good Christian. Probably tried to exorcise him, Eli Sunday style. At the national championships or something?
There's a video I saw once of them both really young where they are doing aerobics in a class. Early 80s or something.
They Spent Some Time Together in Amateur Boxing Programs... Mike was Socially Awkward, yet a BADASS, So he was Loner...Even ELITE Level Ammy Fighters Treaded LIGHTLY Around him...Holyfield Said he Always Tried to Be Cool w/Mike... As Evander Tells it, One Day he's Playing Pool w/Some Other Amateurs, Mike Walks In & DEMANDS the Pool Stick that Holyfield is Using @ the Moment...Holyfield Stands his Ground, REFUSES to Give it Up & Mike Walks Off Smirking... Holy Told this Story Prior to the 1st Tyson Fight, as Evidence of Mike's "Bully" Mentality & How he'd NEVER Fall Victim To It... REED
Thanks Reed. Was Tyson dismissive of Holyfield's talent at the time when both were amateurs or was he just not aware of who Holyfield was?
Evander Sunday: "You abandoned your pigeons!!!" Mike Plainfield: "I abandoned my pigeons" Evander Sunday: "YOU ABANDONED YOUR PIGEONS!!!!!" Mike Plainfield: "I abandoned my pigeons" Evander Sunday: "YOU ABANDONED YOUR PIGEONS" Mike Plainfield: "I ABANDONED MY PIGEONS"