I watch a bit of the auld blue films now and then, but I didn't know what "Brazzers" was until I looked it up:jaw:
Prono*: It's comedic value is oft underrated and under-appreciated. From one gentleman to the next, I recommend efuckt for a good laugh.
Yeah fair play to the Japper. I am going for a shit and a dry-shave followed by a cold shower, all of which are better than watching Clemente Rubbisho, and I should just be back in time to see Joshua Tree crowned as the <strike>big black boy we've all been waiting for he'll show those fucking ukies</strike> Olympic Champion.
leap hook and grab is Rubbisho's favourite combo. Had a chicken curry and chips today. This one is gonna cause Andrex share price to rise just slightly, along with the odor levels. :dancingBaby:
Oh Scrubby Josh is fighting Sundee. I see. Apparently they couldn't get all the fights in on the one evening the dummies.
Innit, Scrubby Josh Vs Wop Lump is tomororow. Murata Vs Falcao could have gone either way, the deduction tipped it in Murata's favour - but I am glad Murata won. The Japs love boxing, they deserve a gold medal, their first since the 60's. I hope Murata improves and becomes a Japanese war machine in the pros.
The Brazilian didn't act like he thought he clearly won it. But don't worry......only a matter of time before we see Brazilians popping up from 200+ all the way down to 112
Not even close, it was a very close fight. Much like people who couldn't score Pacquiao Vs Bradley, you were obviously scoring punches thrown. The Brazilian DID throw a shit load more, but very few clean shots got through Murata's guard. And when Murata got inside, he was landing clean shots fairly consistently. Even the Cuban didn't think he won it, he obviously knew he didn't really land much.
Chenko schools all these bums without even breaking a sweat. Shame he didn't go all out and try and stop any of them though, they looked like sparring sessions, he barely even tried. The Puerto Rican gave him the best fight, better than the Cuban.
How the fuck did this Evans guy get to the final? The Kazak schooled the shit out of him. In the 3rd round, Evans barely threw a punch, he just stood there getting punched over and over again :: :: What a scrub, how many gift decisions did he get to even get to the final?
That's this first time I've seen Evans, and he either is very good and simply found someone who is excellent, or his presence in that final is questionable, because he got battered. MTF
Same for me. He looked like a total scrub, he didn't even put up a fight. I question how he even got to the final.