This the guy who beat his wife/partner into a cocked hat and was sent to jail? Hard to feel sorry for him.
Immensely talented fighter who, like many of the "Lost" generation, never seemed to be able to put together any kind of consistency. Brilliant one night, a bum the next. He had terrific, fast hands. He was well schooled and very skillful. On the downside, he didn't like to train a whole lot and he could be accused at times of being a front-runner (see his fights with Coetzee and Weaver II) ... His fight with Holyfield is a classic and he was the victim of one of the most frightening KOs in history against Razor Ruddock, a fight I will never forget. I thought he was dead then. He could have and should have had a much better pro career then he did. Something that could also be said for contemporaries like Greg Page and Pinklon Thomas.
R.I.P. Dokes. He was a tremendously gifted fighter who never lived up to his potential...much like some others of that time. But despite that, he still held a title for a short time and was a factor in the division even into the late 80's & early 90's.
Dokes Got On the Map via an Exhibition w/Muhammad Ali... Dude Could Do it ALL; Box, Bang, Punch...He was ATHLETIC, had VERY GOOD Hand & Foot Speed, Punched in Combinations, etc...But Sadly, DRUGS had a Permanent Hold on his Life & Boxing Career... 1 of the More Natually TALENTED Heavyweights that Ever Lived...R.I.P. Michael "Dynamite" Dokes... REEDray:
How good was his hand and foot speed relatively? He looked tiny, looked like a light-heavy in the Cotezee fight, real short arms, short back.
I will always remember him for two things: using pink trunks and getting KO silly by bum Coetzee. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
agREED... While Certainly Faaaaaaaaar from a GREAT Fighter, Coetzee is 1 of the More Underrated PUNCHERS of All Times... Larry Holmes, Who Should NEVER Be Confused w/a Political Figure, Used "Apartheid" & the Fact that Coetzee was South African, to AVOID Fighting him... REED:boohoo:
Yeah Coetzee was limited but not a bum. He gave Mike Weaver a good fight, went the distance with Snipes and Tate, annihilated Spinks and but not bummish. Snipes fight was very close. His big left hooks in the Dokes fight were a thing of pure amateurism though, all they were missing was the leap.
Dynamite Dokes. Gave Evander one of his toughest fights ever. I can't add much that hasn't been said here already. Many of these fighters who get into drugs wind up with some form of cancer later on in life. Terrible way to go. Drugs, while they have an immediate effect, also seem to have a delayed effect later on in that they seem to wear out the body's defenses, and people seem to become more susceptible to types of cancer.
Henry Hill died there in June, he was 69, looked 89, apparently his heart was almost completely worn out by the speedballs and the smoking.
I heard about his death. He did look unusually old and decrepit. The high life comes at a price, it seems.
Bums of that era would had dominated the current heavyweight division. But even at that time he was in no one's top ten list. I mean the guy kept getting shots at the title only because he was white. He lost his first two attempts, struck gold with Dokes and got KTFO in his first title defense. Heck, Baldomir was better than him and he is called a bum in this forum.
Please stop. Coetzee was a legit top 10 heavy of that time. And he was in any heavy top 10 list that mattered. You "forgot" to mention he also fought highly regarded Pinklon Thomas to a draw, was totally robbed against Renaldo Snipes and KOed Spinks in one round. Coetzee wasn't a great fighter by any description, but he was legit.
Yep. Plus Coetzee was not a supporter of Apartheid. I wouldn't go as far as to claim Holmes was afraid of Coetzee, but he didn't seem to really want that fight.
You are a complete imbecile Stick to what you know best -- bad disco, shit movies and hypocritical, fundamentalist dogma