Boxers are thick. They always wind up with some grot for a missus. Even Vitali wound up with a dog. Here is Joe's old slapper
Hey even Floyd's Miss Jackson has fake tits. Pamela Anderson had a career based on her fake tits,so apparently you guys are in the minority.
on second thought, Mrs. Froch's tits are a bit too circular shaped... it's not a particularly outstanding boob job. still, I'd obviously fuck her
The new titty jobs apparently involve the injection of something thru the far as I am concerned there is no need for a job unless the tits are badly misshaped or really really flat and horrible.
Seems a fair bet that she had the job between the pics I posted (abraham fight, 2010) and the ones mex posted
One with real, soft, natural, womanly breasts, not 2 bits of fucking plastic stuck to her chest. The same thing that's achievable on a man by the way. Turd burglar.
I would bet money she already had one boob job in the pics you posted, and probably had another once since. Look how circular they are in the gloves pic, look at the ridge to the side and bottom. That's not remotely natural.
Strangely erotic thing...when a woman with nice flowery tits is wearing her handbag across her chest, and the strap of the bag pulls one of the tits up and into sharp pert focus.
Not every women has these natural womanly breasts you speak of and not every boob job is a crude as you make out. Some women have the op to achieve that 'soft, natural, womanly breast' The second pic Hut posted is very natural, there is absolutely no reason to think they are fake. On the other hand the pic above with the boxing gloves, well they are obviously fake.
Boob jobs should be limited to corrective functions, i.e. a girl has a bad chest to begin with or a womans chest doesn't recover post child-birth. If a chick has good tits, she should leave them alone. Nothing wrong with small tits.....we need to distinguish between a flat chest and small tits.
Exactly I dont see any harm where there is a need. I think we can all agree those big fake boobs are just not attractive you know the kind. ala that vile bitch Jordan
She's pressing on her tits with boxing gloves. They look allot like natural tits that are being pressed on by boxing gloves
Agreed. He looked out for a little bit after the punch landed. If Haye had been allowed to follow up he would have taken him out.
All this stuff about it being a fluke temple shot, I think in my mind that Solis simply can't take a punch. If he carries on boxing, surely we'll see him taken out again with ease, by anyone with fairly heavy hands. For the first time ever I think I prefer a boxer as an amateur rather than a pro with Haye. Looks like a solid, aggressive puncher boxer there. Way more enjoyable than his current prancing around, hands down, monkey arms, counter punch style.
To be honest Hut, they don't. With natural tits of a decent size, let's say at least a large C or small D, you wouldn't even see the actual edge where the tit starts if they were being pressed on. The soft flesh of the breast would spread outwards and conceal the actual edge where the breast meets the chest. I'm basically a breast fetishist, I've been obsessed with big, natural breasts since I was about 14. My fake-dar is relentlessly accurate, I can spot them a mile off :kidcool:
Haye is just in it for the cash now anyways. Trust me his worst days are coming. He'll wind up with an expensive divorce after whatever coalburner he's with winds up getting tired of her David's smokeless-coal being burned by somebody else. Then, with the Klits gone, he'll find himself shopping around for paydays to keep himself and Adam in petrol money and sex toys. That's when somebody like Scrubby Josh gets his hands on him and Haye gets mauled by a guy that won 2 out of 8 fights at the Olymps.