there was this hilarious SNL advertisement sketch years ago about a product called Home Security Decoy. Basically, it was these life-size dolls dressed up as various serial killers... a lumberjack with an ax, a clown with a chainsaw, etc. - all sorts of hilarious, over the top variations... the idea was that a robber would approach your house and see one of these and think "oh, this one is taken" LOL One of the dolls came equipped with a crude "speaking" feature where it would say one or two things... One of the things it said was "I'M GOING TO PUT MY EVIL INSIDE YOU" which I think is one of the funniest lines ever written
Haye was very entertaining earlier on is his pro career too- I remember loooooving watching him in his early, BBC days- but the loss to Thompson really put the wind up him and he slowly turned into the pot-shotting fanny he is today. Even up to the end of his cruiserweight 'reign' :: he was a lot more entertaining than he is now; his fight with Mormeck was a really back-and-forth slugfest. MTF
Same here pretty much, I thought he'd be exciting. He was as a cruiserweight. He conned us all. The Barrett fight was enough for me to be unconvinced of him as a heavy. And since then - needless to say - he tried to out pussy wald pussy.
He's still pretty exciting when he doesn't have to fight guys twice his size. its a shame there are so many of them around
Haye is all about self-promotion and self-aggrandizement, he's never going to get a bloody snot for our entertainment. His last two fights have been against a Klitschko and a guy he met at a Klitschko press-conference. Yet it is he who will save us from the Klitschkos. OK. :wack:
Haye receives a lotta shit and rightfully so but he is an entertaining fighter. His last few fights at Cruiser were very good. Enzo Maccarinelli walks around like death warmed up these days. Love it or hate it David Haye is a top 5 HW. As a fighter it's a shame he doesn't fight ::
What fucks me off about him is he is a peanut in Klitschko-Shit yet acts as if he is separate from them and more important than them. He's is the bacteria in their gut, the saline solution of their snot, he is the grease in their hair, he is the sweat on their balls.
No shame in that; I did for a while and defended him a lot on here for about a year or so. The Barrett fight was silly but mildly entertaining, but the worst thing he could do was beat that massive ogre freak and win himself a title. Not only did it demotivate him from having to actually beat one of the Klits (he was 'the HW champion' :) but he also unfortunately learned that he could make a fuck load of money by running like a little turd. It was that fight which convinced me his HW spell would be full of shit. He is still IMO the 3rd beat HW around today. I'd pick him to beat any of the other fat useless trash currently masquerading as heavyweight boxers (save Povetkin who appears to have died). There is just no way he can beat either Klit; especially if he fights like he did the first time. I certainly wouldn't pay of fucking penny of my money to watch a repeat. MTF