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Doesn't anyone realize, and I am referring to Floyd and the people he is with....that the money he is counting is small potatoes?
He must seriously be the most tedious person to ever hang out with. Imagine going for a pint with the guy, you get yourself a beer and he buys a bottle of champagne to pour over the carpet. What a tit.
Dude was THE HIGHEST Paid Athlete in the Woooooorld Over the Last Year, yet he's STILL Insecure Enough to Whip Out Large Sums of Money on Camera???... "Philthy Rich" Records, "Money" May...All this Shit is TIRED...The ONLY Thing Worse is Floyd's BROmance w/Fiddy... REED:boohoo:
it's kinda embarassing IMO.. imagine Tiger doing a clip counting money like this... or Kobe or... it's just like everyone KNOWS already that he makes money.. who cares? it just makes you look like a douche
It's Absolutely EMBARRASSING & Again, as a Black Man, REED is ASHAMED of Floyd's Behavior...PISS POOR Role Model & Perhaps THE Most INSECURE Motherfucker on the Face of the Earth.... REED:kidcool:
Well if history of many other top paid athletes is any indication, he'll be broke one day and this will all go away. Its hard to imagine it ending up any other way at the rate he's going. Keep in mind when I say broke, I don't mean broke though like the common man, but Mike Tyson broke where you still get to live in a 3 million dollar home and do most anything you want everyday.
Yea, tell me about it. That's why there's a difference between common man broke and Mike Tyson broke.
My experience of people whose shit is paid for is that they rarely mention money or engage in displays of frivolous ostentatiousness.
I'm sure after the success of his broadwalk show, Mike has a nice chunk of change at the moment. Tyson will never go completely broke. He's too marketable. He'll be one of the famous athletes on Earth until the day he dies. Floyd on the other hand will one day be forgotten. And once he dough runs out, he'll be fucked. Holy is broke as Hell right now. And nobody is gonna be callin up Holy askin him to be on broadway.
Mike's not broke. Well, not anymore at least. Forget the common man, Mike is making more money than many celebs and athletes.
The sentence was not for him to stop flashing money! He went to jail for kicking his ex's ass. So what hasn't he learned?
The guy sitting next to him on the plane, has this like..........."1000 yard stare" on his face. Like he's got Money May PTSD.
What he got wasn't even jailtime, it was more like being grounded for 2 1/2 months and having your privelages taken away.