Nah... HENCEFORTH, Floyd Can Say he's "Promoted" Himself, but Up to AND INCLUDING his Last Fight vs. Cotto, Golden Boy Promotions was VERY MUCH a Part of Promoting Floyd...Golden Boy is the 1 that Pulled Floyd's Ass OUT of the Fire, when the IRS Came Calling & They Promoted EVERY Bout from Floyd-Dela Up To Floyd-Cotto "In Conjunction with" Floyd's Company... Now, Floyd & Fiddy R Looking to Start their Own Promotion Called TMT (The Money Team)... REED:hammert:
what surprises me is that reed is so shocked by 'black culture' :dunno: Floyd is just acting the same way as thousands of other black Americans...after 20 years or it i don't find it to be unique or surprising at all
I was going to say it earlier, but I didn't want to upset people or get into unnecessary trouble, but....most black kids have no role models. They are bought and sold as easily as their forefathers, just for less and less money every time. Big booties, cash-dollars, street-cred, Air-Jordans, TMZ, HipHopStarz...the currency is always the same. Glass beads and mirrors. What other ethnic sub-section would offer up such a high percentage of its youth who actually regard breaking into the "Music Industry" as an acceptable form of potential employment??? :scratcher: If a white guy stood up and proclaimed himself the Larry Byrd of Metamphetamine would he be laughed out of town or not? Of course, all ethnicities have their own equivalent of the crack-game, every different race has its own equivalent of a jump-shot....but black kids never seem to be able to shake the yoke off. Most cracker-culture is met with the derision it deserves. In England, the Chav Culture is parodied at every twist and turn, but the black equivalent is glossed over, presented as being almost acceptable, to be expected. Personally, I regard that as derogatory as anything I have said or am likely to say. Surely it is more bigoted to say "Oh, they are black, that's how they roll" than to hold them to the same standard as their White/Indian/Chinese equivalents? If Vitali sat down and started to count out bricks of dollar bills he'd get laughed out of town over here. I mean German TV would drop him like Lewis couldn't. Bill Cosby is a geriatric old windbag but he's right too. Kids are too easily bought and sold.
What Surprises REED is that YOU'RE Speaking as If You're Some Sort of Authority on Black Culture...Watching a Couple Rap Videos DOESN'T Make you an Authority, Homegirl...How Many "Black Americans" Have You Actually SPENT TIME w/ Or Invited into Your Home???... REED's Betting the Answer is ZERO... REED:shit:
What's White Culture Reed? Guys in a coal mine dealing crystal to each other? Or are they just desperate people doing desperate things? Let's not regard gullible kids being sold a crock a shit as an ethnically exclusive practice that "outsiders" can't see for what it is. You know who understands "Black Culture" better than anyone else? The Chinese who pump out the gear they sell them. How bout dat? Little Fukey Wukey understands ghetto America better than the very people who live there.
There's More to ANY Culture than APPAREL or Consumer Goods...REED Isn't PRESUMPTUOUS Enough to Pretend he Knows what "White Culture" is, but CLEARLY, Some of You Motherfuckers Feel that a Couple Rap CD's & Videos Makes U an Authority on Black Culture... REED:boohoo:
Black children assembled en masse, and fighting whilst pretending to queue in an orderly fashion, in the pitch black of early dawn, to buy trainers pumped out en masse by Chinese labourers who work for a White-owned company where those trainers bear the name of one single successful Black man who made his name through sports, must be a severe disappointment to anyone who ever tried to help anyone.
"I was quite shocked to see Floyd Mayweather Junior, a black American, showing off that he was wearing an expensive watch. Well I never" - REED :l2:
There ISN'T???... CULTURE - 1. the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. 2. the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group: the youth culture; the drug culture. YOU'RE Telling REED there's NO SUCH Thing as "Culture" for Blacks or Whites???... REED:scared:
Name One Culture that WANTS to Be Bound or DEFINED by their Youth??... Youth is All about Trial, Error & (Hopefully) LEARNING from your Mistakes...Rightly or Wrongly, "Black Culture" is PERCEIVED to Be Everything Negatively Portrayed in Most Rap Videos by YOUNG Blacks; Misogyny, Excess, Materialism, Psuedo Thuggery, etc...It's the Scarlet Letter BRANDED Upon Blacks of All Ages, which has Non Black, Non American Fightbeat Fucks ASSuming they've Got "Black Culture" Pegged... Which Brings REED to his Beef w/Floyd Mayweather, who Goes Out of his Way to PERPETUATE this Fallacy, this Myth...Hell, Look No Fuuuurther than Al Haymon, for a Black Man in Floyd's Inner Circle, who DOESN'T Subscribe to the Stereotype that Floyd Lives & Breathes... Floyd is like a Cousin who INTENTIONALLY Does Damage to his Own Surname, w/NO Fucking Regard for his Other Relatives...Dude will B 36 in February, so he's Noooooo Loooooooooonger "Black Youth"...He's Also Been Insanely Rich for the Better Part of 10 Years Now, so U'd THINK there'd Be a "Been There, DONE That" Mindset to him... Instead, Floyd Persists in Releasing Videos Such as This, which Makes Him AND his People Look Bad, while Simultaneously FUELING the PRESUMPTUOUS, Know it All Bullshit of Some Non-Blacks...& FUCK Floyd for that... REED:hammert:
but you said that he's not doing it on purpose either he knows what exactly he's doing to market to the kids...or he's fallen into a common stereotype which you claim doesn't truely exist hno: which is it? :dunno:
Floyd Knows of the Negative Stereotype, he just DOESN'T Care...But He's NOT Intentionally Doing this as Some Sort of Manufactured Marketing Ploy Though... Floyd is Geuinely INSECURE Enough to Think that Money DEFINES Him...He's even Nicknamed Himself as Such... The Stereotype OBVIOUSLY Exists, even Though it's a BULLSHIT Stereotype...When & WHERE did REED Say the Stereotype DIDN'T Exist???... REED:eye:
what % of black americans fall into this sterotype? 20%? is it not a huge part of black culture then? :dunno:
Where are you Getting your Stats from???...All the Black Americans U've Spent Time w/???...Seriously, How Many Black Americans have YOU Had in your Home, or even So Much as Shared a Beer or Face to Face Conversation w/???... REEDopcorn:
Fundamentally no. Not in the Globalized World. We are all equally reliant on the same fundamentals and staples- gas, food, sanitation. The differences really only present themselves at the very tips of the branches that are furthest removed from the trunk of the tree. Even at that, the differences are usually accentuated by aggressive marketing campaigns, hence "Black Music", "White footwear", etc.
Does this tie in with a split from Leonard Ellerbe as some rumors have suggested? Or is that just a BS rumor?
Agreed. Floyd insisted on it being his name up there, promotion wise, but it's clear it was G doing the actual promotional legwork. Well, everything other than talking shit, and throwing money around etc :kidcool:
That's the thing though, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he does those same things off camera :: I'll give Floyd credit for one thing though, as stupid as he is it seems like he's managed to not get ripped off like lots of other fighters, including Pacquiao and Tyson. I guess a combination of being lucky, arrogant, and extremely money obsessed.
The Little Bit that REED has Read bout TMT Consisted of FAVORABLE Quotes from Ellerbe...It'd SHOCK REED if Ellerbe WEREN'T a Part of it... REED:Ramonza:
The Mere Fact that Richard Schaefer (CEO of Golden Boy Promotions) was FRONT & CENTER @ ALL of Floyd's Biggest Fights, is Really ALL that Needs to Be Said... Watch ANY Press Conference from Floyd-Dela THRU Floyd-Cotto & U'll See & HEAR Schaefer There Speaking...REED ANY of those Fight Posters & U'll See "Golden Boy Promotions" Written On it... REED:mj:
umm plenty :eye: like i keep many Asian guys have you spoken with in your lifetime? :laugh11: i've had 4 in my home at one time for a party i held...they were US Marines i'd definitely say 3 of them acted MTVish and stereotypical also just by looking at fightbeat statistics we can see that bigdawg is a i think he may be 20% of the black American fightbeat population :ant:
U're OBVIOUSLY Full of Shit... Bigdawg Most Definitely ISN'T as You're Perceiving him to Be...He's Damn Near 40 years Old, Married w/2-3 Children & a PROBATION OFFICER...Bigdawg has Also CRITICIZED Mayweather for Many of the Same Reasons REED is/has... & Since U've Brought it Up, of ALL the Known Blacks @ Fightbeat (Sly, Muzse, Phonetap, Bigdawg,REED, etc.), NONE of them would Fall Under the "MTV" Bullshit that YOU Attribute to the 4 IMAGINARY Blacks you're LYING about.... REED:shit:
bigdawg posted pictures of himself posing proudly in front of his hummers. But then again bigdawg played in the NFL so he's kind of a celebrity on here.
I have a guy that works in my building that played in the NFL, but he had a short career and now he makes about 10K more per year than I do.