That was 12 years ago. Lewis married a Jamaican beauty pageant contestant after retirement and has a son and daughter. What more proof do you need? :laughing:
There's Plenty of Gay "Married" Men, Hanz...Plenty of Gay Guys w/Children as Well...How Many Of Them Would U Estimate R Role Models????.... REED:NotThink:
A gay guy needs male companionship does he not? He can't keep it sheltered forever. As soon as you bring out any report or evidence of Lewis having a gay encounter or enjoying male companionship, we can discuss further. Right now, he's one of the all time great boxers and has a wife and kids. He's a good role model the way I see it. Just because he had morals and ethics and conducted himself well compared to most of the brain damaged badasses of yesteryear doesn't make him less of a man.
Rock Hudson Kept his GAYness a Secret Up Until he Contracted Aids, so Clearly it's DOable...Perhaps REED's Question is Being LOST in Translation: HOW MANY Peter Gazers R Role Models???... REED:hammert:
Are There 2 GAY Role Models???...5???...10???...Do they Peter Gaze in ANONYMITY or w/Out Fear of Retribution???... REEDopcorn:
Manny Steward said recently in an interview that there was a sadistic side in Lennox and he kept punishing faggot Mike so long because he enjoyed doing so
I don't get the gay role model question As for Lewis, I never understood why people assume he's a gay man... is it because he has an English accent?
No, it's because Lewis beat the living sh*t out of their beloved bitch-voiced rapist hero Iron Mike. They've got a serious vendetta against him.:laugh11:
I one time walked into a bathroom at Time Square and saw him with a dilz in his cornhole. I ran out immediately Is that clear enough for you?
I just can't see Lennox being a "role model" The guy is super gay, plus he is about as smart as a box of rocks. It's comical that the Lemmon lovers like Hanzy cling to him beating Tyson who was not fit to fight
Would you try to fight back if Lennox wanted to strip you, bend you over and f*ck you in the rear, LOK?
So Hanz, By Now U've Surely Done your Research & Can Finally Answer REED's Question...Just How Many FLAMING, PETER GAZING QUEERS are Role Models???... 0???....1???....3???....Toooooo Many to Count???...Thanks in ADVANCE for Putting this Matter to Rest, 1nce & For All... REED:limp:
None to my knowledge. But what does that have to do with Lewis? He's a married guy with kids with no reports or evidence of having a preference for the same sex unless you think beating the sh*t out of his opponents is gay.
I still don't understand this question what does being a homo or not have to do with whether or not somebody is a good role model?
No Doubt, Lennox Gave Tyson a THOROUGH LICKING...Not to Mention the GREAT HANDJOBS he Administered to Ruddock, Golota, Botha, Grant & Others.... REED:mj:
So whether Lewis is gay or not, why can't he be a good role model for the young kids who want to come into boxing? Lewis never acted like a thug like Floyd, Judah, Tyson, etc. He didn't flaunt his money or get involved in any of the dirty stuff in the sport. He didn't do drugs, he didn't hit why can't Lewis be regarded as a good role model for kids? And again I ask, why are the ones calling Lewis gay all happen to be Tyson fanatics? Look at the list. LOK the crock, mexi wedding skirt, yourself, etc. Tyson fanatics who got all butthurt because the rapist got served.