Manny Pacquiao 54-4-2 (38 Ko's) vs. Juan Manuel Marquez 54-6-1 (39 Ko's) Round 4 They meet in the middle of the ring....fight changer? Pacquiao comes out a bit less energetic.....walking forward with slower head movement. Left hook by Marquez, blocked by Pacquiao jumps back...Pacquiao might be a bit shook...Right hand by Marquez. Jab/left by Pacquiao, clinch. Right to the body by Marquez... Pacquiao missing with the right hook, left by Pacquiao, right jab by Marquez. Left by Pacquiao...Left to the body by Marquez, left to the body by Pacquiao. Left by Pacquiao..just touching Marquez, not much behind them...Jab,jab by Pacquiao, left by Pacquiao, right hand by Marquez. Round 4: I don't know fuck it....not scoring
The physical trainer isn't teaching Marquez how to box. Marquez has hurt Pacman many times before. But Pac is also getting older.
Manny Pacquiao 54-4-2 (38 Ko's) vs. Juan Manuel Marquez 54-6-1 (39 Ko's) Round 5 They meet in the middle of the ring...jabs by Marquez...Left down the middle by Pacquiao, another by Pacquiao. But he is just touching him not loading up in those lefts...HARD LEFT HAND DOWN GOES MARQUEZ...actually his gloves touch the floor.....HUGE RIGHT HAND by MARQUEZ, Pacquiao takes it...Left hand by Pacquiao...Pacquiao chaing Marquez around....and eats a right hand. Right ot the body by Marquez, left to the body by Pacquiao...LEFT HAND/ RIGHT HOOK MARQUEZ IS HURT....Right/left by Pacquiao...Marquez wobbling around a bit...Left by Pacquiao, right by Marquez...Marquez is still wobbly...Right/left/right by Pacquiao..chasing Marquez across the rope...catches him in a corner..Left/right..Marquez head bouncing around ... Round 5: Pacquiao