I don't see much difference between them... Merchant was old and biased in favor of face-first guys... Kellerman is younger and biased in favor of "hip-hoppity" fighters Both of them pick their spots, offensively Both suck balls
Larry was entertaining over the years, but it probably is the right time to call it a day. He liked his drink and on occassions seemed tipsy, while on air.
What 3 Fights are Those???...Did U MISS the Post where REED Noted the Floyd-Marquez Post-Fight???...Of the Face-Off Segments???...U've Taken an ABSOLUTE Stance on this, which is Bullshit, Bro... REED:dunno:
Brother clogg..who do you think packs more heat? I think Larry is like 3 inches and max is like 4 but hooded
That's just 2 examples, and one of them is a face off, where he's obviously been instructed to be somewhat antagonistic to get things going between the fighters. Larry asks tough questions pretty much every fight, that's why I asked about Kellerdude's most recent 3 fights. Kellerman asking tough questions is few and far between, most of the time he's slurping at the sack of whatever fighter he happens to like, like a straight up groupie.
:laugh11: You Said U'd "NEVER EVER" Seen Kellerman Being Anything OTHER than a Groupie who NEVER Asked Tough Questions...But NOW REED's "Just" Provided 2 Examples???... Like REED Said, U Hear what U WANT to Hear, Bro... If Kellerman were REALLY a Groupie, he'd Want NATHAN to Do w/the Face Off Segments...He's Done COUNTLESS Face Off's, By the Way... REEDopcorn:
Only one example after a fight. The face off is scripted, he's probably just given the questions. You're acting like I'm just talking shit because I don't like Kellerman, but pretty much this whole forum sees him as a groupie. Who else considers that Max asks tough questions? :dunno: Still waiting for those examples tough questions in his most recent 3 post fight interviews opcorn:
Kellerman is of jewish heritage lok you foolio i think that Larry has banged a LOT more women than Kellerman has...i'm talking hundreds of ring card girls, compared with maybe just 3 or 4 that Max slammed
Again, YOU Said he NEVER EVER Did it, Bro...So You've ALREADY Been Proven WRONG About Kellerman...You were Being Absolute & it Blew Up in your Face... Still Waiting on YOU to Spell Out the 3 Fights in Question...It's NOT as if REED Keeps Track of the Fights Kellerman works... REED::
:laugh11: at being proved wrong, just because Kellerman asked ONE tough question, once. That's like "proving me wrong" about Ivan Calderon not being able to punch, because he's scored 6 KO's :: "Ivan Calderon is a KO artist, as he scored a KO in 2006". opcorn:
Kellerman, at his best, provides insight that few other commentators are capable of. Where Merchant, at his best, might provide more colorful analogies when giving his insights, Kellerman provides higher quality stuff on a more regular basis. The guy is very good. He seems smarter, more passionate, and seems to like the sport more than almost all of his contemporaries. My main problem with the guy, and this is related to the suck up factor already mentioned, is that when he was paired with Teddy, he let Teddy dumb him down and get sucked into the Ring Magazine champ and sanctioning body drivel.
Off the TOP of his Head, w/Out Even TRYING, REED EASILY Shut Down YOUR Foolish Notion that Kellerman "Never Ever" Asked a Tough Question... You DO Know what "Never Ever" Means, Right???... REED:dancingBaby:
I think Max's persona was more palatable in his role at the desk, on ESPN, in which he chimed in periodically with a mouthful of analysis, debated it briefly with Teddy, and then went away. In his current ever-present role as ring-side analyst, it's too much. It's overkill.
And I can sincerely say that I have never heard him ask ONE tough question, not one. He's a groupie. Yep, Mex's Words Speak for Themselves...Now Kindly Get your Bitch Ass Back To Work, EMPLOYEE... REED:kidcool:
You're playing semantics now, like you accuse Godfather of doing. I didn't realise you took things so literally :dunno: It's like me saying "Juanma is a bum", and you saying "No, he's a pro boxer". Or me saying "Calderon can't punch", and you saying "Yes, I've seen him punch people before" ::
YOU Made it a LITERAL, SEMANTIC Issue, Mex... Not Only Did You Say w/"SINCERITY" that U'd "NEVER" Heard Max Kellerman Ask a Single, Solitary Tough Question, but You REITERATED the "Not 1nce" Portion of It...You were Basically Daring ANYBODY to Find Even ONE Instance where Kellerman Asked a Tough Question... Well, REED Did...& It Wasn't Even Difficult, which Tells REED Kellerman's Asked ALOT MORE Tough Questions than YOU Care to Give him Credit For, which Brings Us Back Full Circle to REED's Earlier Point; You Hear what You WANT to Hear, Bro... Sincerely Yours, REED:hammert:
You were not there son, and you don't know what the hell you are typing about. This little old worm called security on myself and Michael Doss.