WTF? Is boxing next? This is pretty shocking to me.
They keep field hockey, tae kwon do, and heptathlon, but they nix wrestling? Damn, the times they are a-changin'. I'm pretty stunned by this.
I heard about this this morning? Any reason why? What sense does it make to eliminate one of the original Olympic sports? I'm guessing it's all coming down to money somehow, and the right people weren't paid off. TFK
Ridiculous, they have all these fake sports like golf (in 2016), synchronized diving and swimming but they chose to remove this one ?? And with MMA on the rise, I figured olympic wrestling was having a popularity boost. Well at least we won't have to hear about women wrestling, wich is pretty much the only event more ridiculous than women boxing
Now you'll see a ton of college wrestling programs fold. Of all the crap in the Summer Olympics, eliminating wrestling is just an odd choice. Will Judo still be around?
I was just tinking this. They may as well cancel wrestling as a college sport as well. There is no point in doing something if it leads to nothing.
WHO Votes on this & WHAT's the Logic Behind the Decision???...Were the "Wrestling People" Given a Chance to ARGUE their Case???.... REED:dunno:
DON'T Say that, Bro:nono:.... @ the Grass Roots Level, when a Youth has Exhibited a High Aptitude for Boxing, they're Then Sold the "Olympic Dream", to Keep Them Motivated..."Son, if You Keep your Head On Right, You Could Go to the ______ Olympics." The Olympics is a LIFE ALTERING Event, Particularly for a Boxer... Guys like Ray Leonard, DeLa, Roy Jones, etc. ALL Point to the Olympics for Propelling Them to Professional Success...Guys like Aaron Pryor & Thomas Hearns Fell just SHORT of the Olympics, yet Established Themselves Enough (in their QUEST for the Olympics) to Get High Profile Professional Assignments... Sure, Olympic Boxing is an EYESORE, but if You Kill it Off, the "Boxing is Dying" Rhetoric just MIGHT Come to Fruition....Professional Boxing NEEDS the Olympics, in REED's Opinion... REED:34:
They have pussified boxing so badly in the Olympics, it isn't even really boxing IMO. Reminds me of a no-contact kids karate tournament.
olympic boxing sucks, i agree. i love freestyle/greco wrestling, but i'm probably in the minority of those who actually follow the sport. i was pretty shocked to find out considering there's no pro outlet besides mma for the sport of wrestling. i hope they don't judo. as for mma getting added to the games, i highly doubt it. if anything, brazilian jiu jitsu should get there first.
This isn't true. The scoring was off in the last Olympics, but it is still boxing and the fighters who excelled are the best bets to do well in the pros. As always. The computer scoring resulted in hard punches being the most likely to score since 1992. And the American way of fighting in the ams suffered. It's the American way of boxing that is pussified, at least in the ams.